kevkev77777 said:
If you're gonna show off you're cards,then get a better toploader but if you're gonna trade or such just be fine with them
Well, none of my cards are worth showing off because most of them aren't in mint condition or anything, so for now I'm just sticking with regular toploaders. I am starting to collect more seriously though, so I'll take that into consideration.
Fax said:
I think they are but I am not 100% sure. I know that most of the card sleeves I have bought have been cut in kind of different ways so I think I know what you are talking about. I have never actually had that happen with the Top Loaders though before so maybe it isn't normal... I would maybe talk to the store that you bought them from and see if you can get some new ones.
Eh, it's not bad enough to try and get them replaced.