Question concerning booster packs


Aspiring Trainer
I apologize if this is a very stupid question, but I could not find an answer via Google.

My question is, whether or not the Pokemon on the front of a booster pack determines the cards within. Example:

HGSS Undaunted booster with Houndoom, another with Jolteon(Just for examples sake). Can each of these boosters have any of the pokemon cards within a set, or does the Houndoom booster have cards only obtainable by buying Houndoom?

Thanks in advance.
The pictures on the front of the packs are just decoration. There are 4 possible designs for the pack art, and you don't have a clue what's inside them until you open them. (From personal experience, I pulled a Houndoom from a pack with Jolteon on it, and vice versa.)

It's just pretty and means nothing about what you actually pull.
no. all packs are random...well random in the sense that you dont know what you will get but you will always get a RH and a rare in the pack. but what card will be RH or your rare you get will be totally random.

DNA truly is the greatest ninja ever
XD Each pack contains random cards from the can get I think 5 common..3 uncommon.. 1 rh and one rare/holo/Super rare. Rares are more common than holos and super rares are rarer than both. Holos are 1:3 packs aproximately and super rares 1 in 6 packs.
Booster packs are completely random, the picture on the booster pack has nothing to do with what you're going to pull from it.

Edit: Triple Ninja'd! xD
Thanks guys(and ladies)! I realize that the the Pokemon on the cover of the booster is not whats found inside. I just didn't know if there
was a way to target cards you wanted by going after a particular Pokemon on the booster.

Take care
its random. but i still select boosters of my favorite pokemon. and after a good number of booster packs, youll get what you want :p

PS. i went through my whole BW box without opening the zoroark booster packs and didnt get anything good.
then i opened like the last 6 packs which were all zoroark designed, and i got both Full art legends, zoroark holo, emboar holo, and emboar RH.

so yea, its completely random. or is it?
^I do the same thing, at least, whenever I buy individual boosters (which is rare). When I opened my BW booster box, both FA cards and my ability Emboar came from Reshiram packs, along with some other good pulls. All my Zekrom packs were mediocre cards. It's just coincidence, but I still found it amusing. And my friends all wonder why I prefer one legendary over the other...
I always open four packs with different designs and I compare the pulls. For HGSS, Donphan always wins :)
I think in cases of booster boxes, they follow the same pattern in which packs hold the good cards. However you have no way of knowing if you buy single packs from the shop. So yh its all random.