Help Question on how to remove effects of attacks.


Aspiring Trainer
I have a question, how can i remove effects of attacks? I have seen some people say that moving a Pokémon to the bench will remove it, but I have only heard that twice.

I have a Hisuian Zoroark (076/196), and it's first attack reads this - "At the end of your opponent's next turn, the defending Pokémon will be knocked out." Is there a way to cancel this effect? Does retreating / evolving remove effects?
In this case you can simply retreat, evolve your pokémon or take it out of play (Scoop Up Cyclone, Penny etc)
Does this apply to other affects as well? "During your next turn, this Pokémon can't attack" will that get removed from retreating, and then using a switch to move it back up?
Yes. Also any special conditions (poison, confusion etc) are removed as well.
After looking through some of my cards, I found one that says "If the defending pokémon is knocked out during your opponent's next turn, take 2 more prize cards." Who is that effect on? Is it on my card, because I will be taking more prize cards, or will it be on my opponent's card, because he is the target of the attack? Also, if it is on my card, that means I can't move up someone stronger to defeat my opponent's Pokémon, because the effect would be removed, because my other Pokémon had to retreat to move the new one up.
After looking through some of my cards, I found one that says "If the defending pokémon is knocked out during your opponent's next turn, take 2 more prize cards." Who is that effect on? Is it on my card, because I will be taking more prize cards, or will it be on my opponent's card, because he is the target of the attack? Also, if it is on my card, that means I can't move up someone stronger to defeat my opponent's Pokémon, because the effect would be removed, because my other Pokémon had to retreat to move the new one up.
It's on the pokémon that was attacked. Again, if it retreats or is evolved or taken out of play, the effect is removed. You can use one of your other pokémon to knock it out but you can't gust other of their pokémon expecting to get the 2 prizes bonus.