== WALLY'S TRAINING (EX:Sandstorm)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Pokémon that has already evolved normally that turn?
A. Yes. Wally's Training can break the rules for normal evolution in that case. It also can allow a player to evolve a Pokémon the first turn it is in play, except for the very first turn of the game (for each player). In order for Wally's Training to break the "first turn of the game" evolution, the card would have to specifically say so. (Sep 26, 2003 PUI Rules Team)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Pokémon I just evolved that turn with Rare Candy?
A. Yes. Trainer cards that allow an evolution to take place, breaks the standard evolution rule that states you can only evolve once in a turn. (Sep 26, 2003 PUI Rules Team)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training to evolve a Baby Pokémon into its next stage? What about the newer forms of babies that are considered "Basic Pokémon" but have the "Baby Evolution" Poké-POWER?
A. Wally's Training states if you have a card that "Evolves From" your Pokémon There are currently no cards with text saying "evolves from" its baby form, so Wally's Training will not work on any form of baby Pokémon (Oct 23, 2003 PUI Rules Team)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training search for Pikachu when you have a Pichu active?
A. No, Wally's Training states to search for a card that "Evolves From" your active Pokémon Pikachu does not say that it "Evolves From" Pichu, so Wally's Training will not work in this situation. (Sep 11, 2003 PUI Rules Team)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Machoke to search through my deck, even if there are no Machamps in my deck?
A. Yes you can. Machamp is a valid evolution of Machoke, even if you don't have one in your deck. (Jan 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Mewtwo to search my deck, even though there is no evolution of Mewtwo?
A. No, there has to at least be the possibility of a valid evolution in order to use this card. Sorry. (Jan 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)
Q. Can I use Wally's Training in conjunction with Buried Fossil to search for an Omanyte, Kabuto, or Aerodactyl? And how about Aerodactyl-EX too?
A. Wally's Training states to search for a card that "Evolves From" your active Pokémon Buried Fossil has special text on it that says, "You may play a Pokémon card that evolves from Mysterious Fossil on top of Buried Fossil". So Wally's Training will work in both of these situations. (Jan 29, 2004 PUI Rules Team)
Q. What does "This counts as evolving that Pokémon" mean, in game terms?
A. It counts towards the one evolution per turn for that Pokémon (with exceptions for Trainers and Pokémon Powers that break that rule) and removes Special Conditions on that Pokémon. (Sep 26, 2003 PUI Rules Team)