Ruling Questions About Fossils


Aspiring Trainer
If I had a fossil in my deck, say, the following card-

and I had a poke ball, master ball, or dusk ball, in my hand, would I be able to use them to search out the fossil? It says to play the fossil as if it were a basic pokemon, yet it's a trainer, so would Ball Trainers work with a fossil?

Also, what's the newest ruling on fossil pokemon? I recently obtained a Plume Fossil, but I was surprised and confused at it's card text and format. It had no H.P., and did not appear to be at all like the fossils I am used to. It appears more to be a pokemon search card than anything,
Balls are not able to search out the old fossil cards like those, as they're trainers until played. The new fossil mechanic is set that the restored pokémon are neither basic, or evolved (unless it's one of the pokémon that evolve from restored pokémon)
Elaborating on the new fossil mechanic, restored pokemon such as Archen are neither basic nor evolved, like CarlosDuranJr said. As for the actual fossil item cards like Plume Fossil, they do not play as basic pokemon the way the old trainers did. Instead, you play them as an item with the effect of searching the bottom 7 cards of your deck for the specified restored pokemon and play that pokemon directly onto your bench.
So using a plume fossil to search out Archen is the only way to play it? You can't lay down Archen if you drew him into your hand?
Yes, that is correct.

EDIT: Totally forgot about Twist Mountain. >.< Thanks Carlos, I would have pointed it out if I had remembered.
The only way (currently) to play restored pokémon from your hand is through the effect of twist mountain.