Ruling Quick guide on some questions you may want to ask

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Croagunk, one of the faithful
So a lot of people ask a lot of questions here. And why wait forever when it's a simple little question. Well I'm trying to compile a list of misc. questions that may be easy to answer so you can get them right away!

Here are some:
Can you get a star and an EX in the same pack?

How does the pack format go?
From DP on it's 5 commons, 1 Rare (This is where the Lv.X would be if you got it), and 1 Holofoil (may be a rare), 3 Uncommons

Can you rare candy into a Lv.X?

If I start my turn and I'm first for the game can I play trainers?

Where do you find tournament dates, deck lists etc.?

In POP 6 packs are you guaranteed a rare?

In Pop 1-5 are you guaranteed a rare?

When I have a Pokemon error on my card or my opponent does can I still use them?
Yes, but they do what it states, ex. If it's Empoleon Lv.X that says poke-body, you count that as a poke-power. For questions just ask a judge on the ruling)

What are some illegal things that are commonly used in tournaments?
Stalling, attaching an extra energy, drawing more than once, shuffling when they weren't supposed too, take away damage counters, use a poke-power twice from one Pokemon.

If my Lv.X gets knocked out does my opponent get to draw 2 prizes?

Can I Rare candy a Stage 1?

What's the modified format?
For now, Holon Phantoms, Crystal Guardians, Dragon Frontiers, Power Keepers, Diamond and Pearl, Diamond and Pearl Mysterious Treasures

Can I have more than 4 of any one card?
No, unless it's a basic energy

Can I use Nidogueens poke-power to get Lv.X's?
Yes, as long as it says you can look for any pokemon

Will delta pokemon come out again?
No, Dragon Fronteirs was the last set for Delta Pokemon.

When I evolve does Electromark or Imprison come off?
No, unless you have Tropius DF and it comes into play may you remove it.

What's te decklist for ____________?
Those really aren't necassarry threads. If you must post those but try and refrain your self, you should find another way to get it, like look at decks in the deck garage.

Can I evolve my basic pokemon than rare candy it to the stage two?
No, you can't Rare candy stage 1's, you could just Rare candy it into the stage two.

I'm going to update this as I get more and more questions that seem simple and should be added:p
you're wrong on the DP-on pack format, it's 5 commons, 1 reverse-holo, 1 rare (Lv.X would be there if you got it), and 3 uncommons = 10 cards
no, you get 5 commons, 1 rare, 1 holo-foil, 3 uncommons
also, keep putting things here that you think I should add:p
Q: Can I evolve my basic pokemon than rare candy it to the stage two?
A: No you can only evolve once per turn.

Also you said you can't rare candy a stage one but you can as long as you didn't evolve that pokemon during the turn you would use rare candy.
no... you see you can rare candy basic pokemon into stage 1's or 2's... and I'll add the question:p I'd like some more suggestions!
bonsly1994 said:
If my Lv.X gets knocked out does my opponent get to draw 2 prizes?

Wow! I've been playing this one wrong. I thought that "EX" and "Lv. X" both had that effect. Now I know! :)

I feel so silly when I miss things like this... I thought that my critical reading skills were one of my strong points.

Thanks for this list! I wanted to let you know that at least one person has learned something from it. :)
bonsly1994 said:
When I evolve does Electromark or Imprison come off?
No, unless you have Tropius DF and it comes into play may you remove it.

You're wrong about that. Look below:

Compendium said:
Q. What ways can a Pokémon get rid of an attached "Imprison" marker or "Shock-wave" marker?
A. Evolving, devolving, leveling up (i.e. LV.X), leaving play, and Tropius' "Tropical Heal" Poké-POWER are currently the only ways to get rid of an Imprison or Shock-wave Marker. Retreating or benching does NOT get rid of the marker. (May 31, 2007 PUI Rules Team)
This thread has no use, especially with people who don't know what they're talking about that answer questions anyway.

If you have a question on how cards work, go to the compendium. It's stickied.
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