Ruling Quick question about Butterfree line. Please Answer


Giratina: Ruler of the Shadows
Can you use Caterpie's poke-power to evolve into Metapod and then use Metapod's power to evolve into Butterfree on the same turn?
can't you also use caterpie's power to go into butterfree because it says one card that evolves from butterfree
Does Butterfree say "evolves from Caterpie"? No, it doesn't. Rare CAndy is a unique card in terms of evolution, don't try to match it up with anything else.
Mudkip711 said:
can't you also use caterpie's power to go into butterfree because it says one card that evolves from butterfree

I know but caterpie's poke-power makes it evolve into metapod and metapod's poke-power allows it to evolve into Butterfree.