Ruling Quick Question: Island Hermit


Omizu PokéKangofu
This might seem kind of silly, but it's a simple question so hopefully it'll have a simple answer. :)

Can you play Island Hermit, which allows you to reveal two of your prizes, and draw two cards, if you only have one prize left, or have already revealed all of your prizes?

It seems to me that you should be able to in order to still draw the two cards, even if you're not revealing any prizes, but a friend and I disagreed about this and I just wanted to make sure.

Thankies ahead of time!
The card states that you can reveal up to 2 prize cards. Up to means 0, 1, or 2. But it says you must draw two cards.
abaxter94 said:
The card states that you can reveal up to 2 prize cards. Up to means 0, 1, or 2. But it says you must draw two cards.

Not right ("up to" does not include zero in Pokemon). But the two actions of Island Hermit are not dependent on each other. You can play the card as long as you are able to do one of them.