Okay guys, I have an idea for a deck here, some advice needed obviously needed, deck is a bit all over the place at the moment.
Pokemon: 2-2-2 Emboar ( Inferno Fandango)
2 Reshiram
2 Tornadus
Trainers: 1 Eviolite
1 Pokemon Catcher
2 Engineer's Adjustments
1 Fisherman
2 Judge
2 Emcee's Chatter
2 Twins
3 Interviewer's Questions
2 Pokegear
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Rocky Helmet
4 Rare Candy
3 Cheerleader's Cheer
4 Plus Power
2 N
Energy: 14 Fire Energy
Strategy: Something like Reshiboar though ideally Tornadus goes first, attach fire energy and transfer it to Reshiram if Emboar is not out or even if it is and I don't have enough to unleash Blue Flare. Eviolite and Rocky Helmet will help to increase the survival chances of both legendaries. Plan on adding 1 more of each legendary and removing 2 rare candies, twins and 1 Pignite to add some other stuff like Catcher , Fisherman and perhaps Burned Tower to recover lost energy and scramble opponents.
Pokemon: 2-2-2 Emboar ( Inferno Fandango)
2 Reshiram
2 Tornadus
Trainers: 1 Eviolite
1 Pokemon Catcher
2 Engineer's Adjustments
1 Fisherman
2 Judge
2 Emcee's Chatter
2 Twins
3 Interviewer's Questions
2 Pokegear
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Rocky Helmet
4 Rare Candy
3 Cheerleader's Cheer
4 Plus Power
2 N
Energy: 14 Fire Energy
Strategy: Something like Reshiboar though ideally Tornadus goes first, attach fire energy and transfer it to Reshiram if Emboar is not out or even if it is and I don't have enough to unleash Blue Flare. Eviolite and Rocky Helmet will help to increase the survival chances of both legendaries. Plan on adding 1 more of each legendary and removing 2 rare candies, twins and 1 Pignite to add some other stuff like Catcher , Fisherman and perhaps Burned Tower to recover lost energy and scramble opponents.