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Ragtag Fighters: Lucarion / Landorus / Hawlucha / Drifblim


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14

  • 2 Lucario EX
    1 Mega Lucario EX
    2 Landorus EX
    2 Hawlucha
    1 Landorus
    1 Terrakion
    1 Dedenne
    2-2 Drifblim
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36

  • 4 Korrina
    4 Juniper
    4 N
    2 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    1 Lysanre’s Trump Card
    2 VS Seeker
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Silver Bangle
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    1 Professors Letter
    1 Switch
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Energy Switch
    3 Fighting Stadium
    1 Computer Search (ace spec)
Energy: 10

  • 6 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy

Strategy: Cheap. hard attacks. The Drifblim/Enhanced Hammer combo is brilliant. A well time enhanced hammer alone can kill an opponent's board. Hawlucha is also really good against EXes. It's a good starter and you don't actually mind going second. I wouldn't change must of this (though another switch wouldn't hurt).