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Standard Raichu and Friends


Hi! I'm here to present to you a unique deck!

3-3 Raichu-GX
1 Tapu Koko
1 Tapu Koko-GX
1 Cobalion
1 Reshiram SHL
1 Keldeo SHL
1 Mimikyu GUR /Mew FCO
2-2 Electrode (Buzzap)
3 Tapu Lele GX

8 lightning
4 counter

4 Sycamore
4 N
3 Guzma
2 Brigette
1 Gladion (for getting your one-ofs out of the prize)
4 Ultra Ball
4 Max Elixir
1 Float Stone
3 Choice Band
2 Rescue Stretcher (maybe need 3?)
1 Field Blower

The idea is to blow up Electrode to activate Counter Energy and simultaneously charge up Raichu-GX's first attack. You probably don't want to blow up 2 of them (or do you?) Counter energy also allows me to get 2 lightning energy onto the board with 1 attachment. This deck should run similarly to Speed Darkrai, except I have all those 1-of Friends to attach the Counter Energy and abuse weakness to kill off key Pokemon.

Tech Options:
Mew FCO: An alternative (or supplement) to Mimikyu for hitting Psychic weakness.

Matchups (theoretically)

vs Gardevoir: Clearly, this deck isn't all too great against Gardevoir because Gallade kills Raichu. The Cobalion is there to help one shot Gardevoir that have too many energy, while Mimikyu can kill the Gallade. Maybe, playing Mew instead of Mimikyu is better.

vs Metagross: You have metal resistance, which is nice. There is no way Metagross will one shot Raichu-GX, so you should be able to swing multiple times and retain energy on the board. Reshiram will be able to take critical one hits if they leave it alive (or hit Counter Energy plus Max Elixir).

vs Drampa/Garb: Try not to expose your Counter Energy, and abuse the fact that they can't one shot Raichu-GX. If you get enough energy onto the board to one shot Drampa, you should probably win.

vs Volcanion: Keldeo can hit them for weakness and one shot a EX/GX with or without choice band. Once you target their loaded Pokemon a couple times they should run out of steam. If they play Ho-Oh, all the better!

vs Golisopod/Garb: Reshiram can one shot and they can't even one shot Reshiram without the GX attack since it has 130 hp! It could get iffy if you miss the Reshiram and they are able to spam Acerola though.

vs Ninetales: Cobalion kills everything. Including baby Ninetales. Since your 'friends' are basics their usual spread and devolve trick doesn't work all that well.

vs Vikavolt/Tapu Bulu: This matchup sucks. You probably can't kill their Bulu before they kill your Raichu in one hit, and you don't have a great way to kill the Vikavolt either.

vs Venusaur: Toast their crickets with Reshiram or just delete with Raichu. They probably won't be able to keep up.

vs Greninja: Greninja doesn't have good ways to deal with Raichu stacking energy early and then killing everything. Since you don't rely on abilities past like turn 2, you should be fine.
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If anyone has any good ideas for more 'friends' or any tweaks to the deck, I would be very happy to discuss!
Great thoughts on counters to other decks. I haven’t had a chance to play the deck online online but I have hope for Raichu as I purchased 2 cards to build a deck around.

My original thought was to run magnezone to accelerate electric energy. With all the counters you have it would be very hard to add magnetite and Magnezone plus rare candies.