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Raichu Eelektrik Revamped!!


Entei likes what he sees
4-4 Raichu (both hgss)
4-3 Eelektrik (38 tynamo)
3 Zekrom
2 Thundurus
1 Tornadus

4 Pokemon communication
4 plus power
3 eviolite
2 switch
1 super rod
2 sage's training
3 professor oak's new theory
3 pokemon collector
2 professor juniper
1 black belt

12 Lightning energy{L}
2 Double colorless{C}{C}

The idea of this deck is to get out thundurus or a pikachu first turn and 2 tynamo on your bench. Then you do whatever you have out first and then you hopefully either evolve into raichu and do 100 or you dicard an enegy with thundurus, but by turn 2-3 i will try to have 2 eelektrik's on my bench with 2 raichu's out.Then use a tornadus for those pesky donphans with an eviolite on him. or stall at least a turn or 2 with an eviolite'd zekrom. Don't really need help with this deck, i mean i kind of do, but not dire need of it.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM ONLY PLEASE!!:D ALSO don't suggest Raichu Prime in this deck. People have given me the idea and people use my deck with raichu prime in there, but thats not my thing, it wont work for me, so please dont say include raichu prime in there, my deck is a hit and run deck, not a stay out there and attack.
Take out tornadus, i think he is pretty useless. He might act as a donphan counter but if the list is fast enough it wont matter. Also you might want to add in another thundures by takin out that tornadus. And lastely, take away eviolites, add in 1 super rod and max out juniper. In this deck you will use juniper to constantly discard energies at every possible area.
The problem with this deck is that beyond T3 or T4, Raichu loses it's usefulness because it doesn't hit as hard as Zekrom. If you want to have the main focus on Raichu, you should probably drop the count of Zekrom AND Thunderus for other potential techs or consistency boosting. Otherwise, you might as well just scrap the Raichu's all together and just play Eelectric/Zekrom, which I don't think you want do.

I would probably make these changes.


Professor Oak's New Theory x3
Double Colourless Energy x2
HGSS Pikachu x4
Zekrom x1
Thunderus x2
Tornadus x1

Total : 13


Sage's Training x1
Professor Juniper x1
BW Pikachu x4
Junk Arm x4
Pokemon Catcher x3

Total : 13

Junk arms, pretty obvious.
Sage's and Juniper's should be maxed. Apart from other supporters, nothing you can toss away that you can't get back.
BW Pikachu is Thunderus, just a bit more frail, and he evolves into Raichu. So, kind of doing two things at once there.
Catchers help pick off prizes that you can take with Raichu's before things evolve at get too strong to OHKO.
I advise taking out oak's, but that it me, but if your looking for a deck for the long run, then use

zekrom x3
thundurus x3
tornadus x2
elektrik x3-3

While yes it is a new deck, it is quick and runs well. Also. i would not advise 3 catchers, use 2 and 3 junk arms. It allows you to get back needed switches and other goodies. You probably should take out the eviolites for junk arms and the black belt and an energy for the catchers. Hope this helps.
Use Raichu Prime instead, and Lanturn Prime to replace Tornadus because Lanturn can counter Donphan more effectively.