Raichu King and Dark Marc's Crazy Shop!!!

Raichu King

i didn't do it

welcome to the "crazy shop"

in this shop i just take a pokemon picture and turn it crazy example:my avatar

you just ask me and i make

whene i say "stuff" i meen mustach beerd horns and more

the maximum time that will take me is four days to make it unless i tell you i am on a vacation if i dont tell you and it takes more than the maximum time pm me

request form:

banner or avatar:

characters:please put link

color(s) of "stuff" i put on him:

"stuff" i put on him:

do you want to be a helper,artist:

artist reqest:


no spamming

pokebeach forum rules

Dark Marc
RE: crazy pokemon avatar shop!!

do you make banners and avatars like mine? if so then do you have an example?
oh and i forgot to say you can ask for banners now
RE: crazy pokemon avatar shop!!

Umm Look in my shop, the saliva shop, for examples :p
RE: crazy pokemon avatar shop!!

realy cool stuff you got there but can you give me an example for stuff like mine?
RE: crazy pokemon shop!!

What do you mean "stuff like mine?" can't I do my style then?
RE: crazy pokemon shop!!

stuff like mine is like my avatar but it doesnt matter at all your stlye rocks! congrats! first worker!

oh and can you give me a request form that I will put up for people that want your work?
RE: crazy pokemon shop!!

request form:

banner or avatar: avatar


color(s) of "stuff" I put on him: silver and black hammer, black mustache, black top hat

do you want to be a helper,artist: no thanks

oh and i want raichu king to do it

RE: crazy pokemon shop!!

Just dot he same one as you, but do Artist Request though...
RE: crazy pokemon shop!!

and for darc marc is it ok that i'l change the shops name to "raichu king and dark marc's crazy shop"
RE: crazy pokemon shop!!

Yesz it's cool with me, my crap art is getting somewhere in the world!
RE: Raichu King and Dark Marc's Crazy Shop!

But can I still do my crap art, people like it? :3