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Raichu/Lanturn Battle Roads


Team Avant Garde
So I know Raichu may be used more after the next set, but I am wanting to see what I can do with him in Battle Roads. So I have Raichu as main attacker. I will be using the HGSS promo pikachu that you flip a coin and if heads you attach an energy from your deck. Pachirisu to lay down 2 energy, Raichu to move it up to himself. Lanturn is in there for support and a decent Donphan Counter without changing the energy in the deck. I have 1 Shaymin, not sure if I need it, but he could move the energy in a hurry to Lanturn if needed. I am a little stuck on my trainer line. I have the seekers and the superscoop up to be consistent with getting energy on the field. Energy retrieval and burn stadium for discarded energy. I am not sure if I should used Bianca or Professor Juniper for draw support? Any tips would be greatly appreciated

So after playing I have changed my main attacker to Lanturn Prime as Raichu is support. I will power up lanturn, use Pachirisu to lay down energy on field and I will use Raichu to move that energy to him so it doesn't become wasted that way I can SSU Pachirisu and lay him down again for more energy. Lanturn is main attack and Raichu can clean up the game if needed

2 x Pikachu promo
2 x Raichu Prime
2 x Pachirisu
4 x Chinchou
4 x Lanturn Prime
2 x Manaphy

3 x Pokemon Collector
3 x Professor Elm's Training Method
4 x Pokemon Communication
2 x Seeker
4 x Super Scoop Up
2 x Junk Arm
3 x Professor Oak's New Theory
3 x Professor Juniper
3 x PlusPower
1 x Flower Shop Lady

4 x Double Colorless Energy - Special
12 x Lightning Energy - Basic
First off, have you played this deck against anything yet? Looking at it, it would seem that a couple donphan could easily run through it. I was just curious on how it dealt with that...
Next, Burned Tower may not be the greatest idea. I understand wanting to get your energies back, but letting your opponents do it to may turn into a real problem. How bout nixing those and putting in some Fisherman?
Also, seeing as you're running no stage 2s, I don't think you really need the Elm's in there. I would take those out and put in another communication for sure and maybe a couple of great balls.
Then, as far as your question about Bianca or Juniper goes, do Juniper. The deck is mostly stage 1s so you'll find yourself dumping your hand pretty fast. Juniper puts the 2 or 3 cards you don't really need in the discard and gives you a fresh new 7. Bianca would only add 3 or 4 cards to the 2 or 3 you don't really need.
-Question: you said seeker and scoop up were there "to be consistent with getting energy on the field". I'm not sure I follow you. What is the logic behind that?
So to sum up, you could AT LEAST start with the following changes:
- 2 Burned Tower, -3 Elm's, -3 Bianca
+ 2 Fisherman, +1 Pokemon Communication, +3 Juniper, +2 Greatball

Personally, I don't think Raichu is a very good choice in the metagame right now. However, if you really want to run him, he's going to need a great supporting cast. I would look into maybe some Zoroarks, Zekroms, and *possibly* a couple Pachirisu. I should also tell you that I'm one of few that actually like Lanturn right now. I feel like if there were ever a time for him to shine, it's now. Good choice on him in my opinion. If you have any other questions, I'll be happy to help and to answer to the best I can!
So I haven't tried it, I am looking at the build and want to work with it. I am concerned with Donphan for sure. I am not sure if Lanturn is a good counter helper or if I need something else. I was talking about seeker and SSU for energy on the field because I can SSU or seeker Pachirisu and lay down for 2 extra energy attaching that way I can keep the energy flowing to Raichu if needed. You are right Raichu may not be a good choice with Donphan out there. Ok I will remove the burned town and put in Juniper and 1 communication and the fisherman. I just want to try something different and I really like this Raichu.
You can run Alph ruins instead of burned tower. That'll help a little with the Donphan matchup. Shaymin isn't really needed since Raichu can move energy to himself for the attack. I would add in two more DCE for lanturn. So take out a shaymin and {L} for two DCE. Take out Bianca to add three junk arms to get back plus powers and what not. Take out a SSU for a fisherman to help get back energies from the discard pile. and if you can... Try to add another 1-1 lanturn.
So I tried the Raichu Lanturn.... I still love Raichu, but I think I will wait until Elektross comes out. I changed the lines to 2-2 Raichu and 4-4 Lanturn. My new deck list is edited up top