Raichu Lv X has a power.

Well then, going by Sableye's Pokebody, the word "power" refers to PokePowers and PokeBodies.

Interesting way of doing it.
It's strange though, because this is already the 2nd optional Body so far, whereas the only real difference between Powers and Bodies was that Powers must be activated and Bodies work all the time. I wonder what will happen to this...I think the whole Power/Body system is changing.
I just like the fact you can do Voltage shoot then do another attack like MT Raichu that lets you discard energy from him to do damage. Assuming that the other Raichu is under the lv.x
Don't forget Toxicroak MT...

I think it was supposed to be a power... I mean, it's a right to use the other attack, you don't have to like you do with a normal Poke-body. Note, it says 'you MAY use another attack' where as Toxicroak MT's Poke-body is just ALWAYS in play, no choice.
^Toxicroak MT is the one that protects Poison from Evo/Devo. It has nothing to do with attacks and is a normal Body, since it works all the time.