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Standard Raichu / Ninetales / Hawlucha


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 18
  • 4 Pikachu
  • 4 Raichu
  • 4 Shaymin EX
  • 2 Vulpix
  • 2 Ninetales
  • 2 Hawlucha
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 3 Trainers Mail
  • 3 Vs Seeker
  • 2 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Birch's Obervations
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Teammates / Shauna *undecided yet*
  • 3 Sky Field
  • 4 Fighting Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

Hey guys, Ive decided to run this deck that contains raichu xy, ninetales, and hawlucha. The idea came from a deck that I had previously built that used exeggcute instead of hawlucha. I did fairly well with the deck, and the only cards that I put into the deck that were non XY on were N and exeggcute. I decided to run this raichu deck with quite a bit of disrupter cards to slow down my opponent while I set up. I haven't been able to fully test it, but hopefully this weekend I'll get my chance. The idea is simple. Setup as many pokemon I can turn one, and lock in stadium turn 2 for complete control of the game. I run many cards that slow down my opponent as a tech for the deck, but overall it does fairly well when practicing. Let me know what to change/add/multiply or whatever!

I will consider swamping teammates for a possible shauna. I
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I don't know if Ninetales is good. I think the Hex Maniac can make the Ninetales line dead space in the deck. I think you could use the four spaces on a fourth Sky Field, a fourth VS Seeker, and two cards of your choosing (My suggestion is two Unown or two Robo Subs).
I haven't seen many people run hex manic surprisingly. Thats why running ninetales has become fairly well when i tested this deck. The problem if i ran the revives and to take out the ninetales line up, would mean that I could only revive the pikachus or shaymin or hawlucha. The point would be to get them on my bench, and for them to be discarded would be useless. This deck focuses on turn one and turn two. By Turn one, you should already sifted through your first 20 or so cards and by turn 2 you should be already doing damage upwards of 180. I will however attempt to test deck that though and see if i like it!