Raichu Prime

Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
Raichu Prime + Raichu lvX + Pachirisu. Could it be decent? Idea is to swarm the field with electric energy via Pachirisu + Seeker/SSU then use Raichu's power to power him up for 120 every turn. I was thinking something like:

4-(3,1) Raichu (Prime, lvX)
4 Parichisu
2 Zekrom
3 Cleffa
Total: 17

Staple T/S/S's with fishermans/flowershop lady's and ~16 energies.
I would consider running lanturn prime, to cover weakness. Other than that it looks like a cool idea :D
I didn't even think of the weakness to be honest. However, lanturn shares the fighting weakness with Raichu, so it would most likely simply be revenge-KO'd next turn. The pokemon lines are pretty thin with 17 (or 15 without the Zekrom tech, which imo actually seems a little out of place) so it can fit in a counter as a tech easily, but I can't think of anything that would do it well. Beartic might be a tad cumbersome to build in this deck.
Maybe use Sunnyshore City Gym then ?

Removes all your electric pokemon's weakness's and also dosent allow there attacks to be effected by resistance, pretty good iMO
The problem being this is most likely a HGSS-on deck, seeing as the rotation's (almost definitely) in a couple months (weeks?).

Against fighting-type decks, hey, this deck doesn't do particularly well. You may be able to run Ruins of Alph to help the Weakness side, but then again, Donphan could just be too strong against this deck for Raichu to win.

The list looks good, just make sure to have enough drawpower in your starters. I'd run 4 Cleffa I think (assuming it is in fact your preferred starter).
Yeah, this is preferably all HGSS on. How would a 1-1 or 2-2 SEL tech look like in this deck with 2 fire energy and a DCE for it, can hit donphan for it's weakness. I mean, even without it raichu can ohko both donphan and machamp via voltage shoot+2nd attack, but I do think a decent counter-tech would be nice to have.