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Standard Raichu / Yveltal EX / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 26
  • 4 Raichu XY
  • 4 Pikachu XY
  • 3 Crobat PHF
  • 4 Golbat PHF
  • 4 Zubat PHF
  • 3 Yveltal-EX
  • 2 Ninetales PRC
  • 2 Vulpix PRC
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 25
  • 4 Sky Field
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 4 Shauna
  • 3 Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Professor’s Letter
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 2 Evosoda
  • 4 Ultra Ball
Energy: 9
  • 4 DCE
  • 5 Darkness Energy

The strategy is to use Yveltal-EX to get damage, and to use Sky Field and Muscle Band to set Raichu up for OHKO's. Bats are there for extra damage, and Ninetales is there to keep Sky Field in play.
Why play Yveltal? It just seems weird having Yveltal in a Raichu deck. Why Shauna over N? Is this supposed to be for rotation? I'd replace the Evosoda with VS Seeker. Evosoda doesn't trigger Sneaky / Surprise Bite, so you're better off just sticking to Ultra Ball in my opinion. You could also use more consistency cards like VS Seeker and other draw cards.
Yveltal-EX is not the main focus of a Raichu deck so I wouldn't run it myself. about the shauna, if you're building a deck for the new format i would say that you se Ace trainer from bandit ring. you'll get one more card and shut your opponent to 3 cards. I run in my deck a few Dedenne from FFI, my advice:
-3 Yveltal EX Because it is not needed
-4 Shauna see below
- 3-5 Darkness Energy no Yveltal no need for it
- 1 Ultra Ball see below
-1 prof letter

+ 4 Ace trainer its better than Shauna
+ 2-3 Dedenne
+ 3-4 Level Ball since we're focussing on the new format and level ball gets a reprint , and raichu has 90HP
+ 2 Shaymin EX for consiteny or you write it

I hope it helped :)
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