Ruling Raieggs?

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
Just how does the Raieggs deck work? I know the cards, yet I can't see how it is so strong as people say it is. Please do explain, thank you.
Basically start with Holon Castform and Mentor for basics, and then get completely set-up with your bench by drawing massive quantities from Castform.

Let Castform die, and then send in Raichu δ to Zzzzap everything with Powers/Bodies. Also you can use Scramble energy to knock stuff out with Metallic Thunder.

Then Eggs comes in and cleans everything out.

Basically that's how it works, but everything varies depending on the deck you're playing. So it could be the exact opposite, you might never even use Raichu δ or Exeggutor δ.

Hope it helps.

Arcanine out.
Weird. I just can't see it dish out a lot of damage like Flygon Ex can...that Castform trick can be used with almost any delta deck, and Raichu and Eggy don't seem strong IMHO. Might be just me though.
They use Cursed Stone to damage things with power, So raichus Zzap would do 40 to all pokemon with powers bewteen their next turn. They also used Cessation crystal to stop powers/bodies because Raichu and Exeggcutor dont have them

I dont like the deck and I always beat it, but its good on people relient on powers and stuff.
I see. Yet, could it harm Mercury bad? I mean, there is usually like 4 Metal energy on my Gardevoir, I can hardly see them get past that unless I'm missing something here...
They wouldn't be able to. :p

I mean WOAH he could do 50 if he discards two metals.. then ur like "K." and K.O. all his guys. Especially since Exeggcutor has weakness...

It wouldnt be good versus Mercury unless like.. he got a cessation crystal very early for Starmie (thats what Mercury is right? The metal navigation starmie?)
Yup, that's exactly what Mercury is. Metal Nav Starmie + Energy Jump Gardevoir + Some searchers/techs.

So that means Mercury is actually Anti-Meta huh? Now that's a good thing to keep in mind.
I don't like Raieggs at all. Their HP stinks, and if you were to use energy root, it really won't help much.
Guys...Rai/Eggs (Delta or w/e) is a good deck. Please I promise you, it is. It's freakishly fast, and since almost every deck in the format has Powers/Bodies, Zzzap really is pretty broken. Now it's HP isn't good...OK. Neither is Bannette EX, but it still wins tourneys right? Speed is WAY more important than HP. If you can get set-up while your Opponent is only half-way done, there's a very good chance that you will win.

Also Energy Root isn't mandatory in the deck. Maybe a Protective Orb or two, but most likely not Energ Root.

Yeah Windstorm hurts it, but Windstorm hurts every deck. So you can't really say that Windstorm hurts this deck a lot ... since most decks get hurt by it a large amount.

Arcanine out.