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Raikou and Suicune Legend


Aspiring Trainer
I was checking out Raikou and Suicune Legend there attack Thunderbolt Spear does 150 damage and then 50 damage to itself so I was thinking this card could have some potential now that protect cube is coming.

Any thoughts on this? How would you build a deck around them?

Here is a rough deck I thought of:
  • 2 Raikou and Suicune Legend (Top)
  • 2 Raikou and Suicune Legend (Bottom)
(Stuck on which cards to pair up with Raikou and Suicune)

  • 4 N
  • 4 Juniper
  • 2 Shuana
  • 2 Colress
  • 3 Skyla
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 2 Surprise Megaphone
  • 2 Protect Cube
  • 1 Scramble Switch (ASPEC)
  • Blend Energy x4 (Lighting, Water, Steel, Fighting)
  • Lighting x4
  • Water x4

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
I have a few suggestions:
- Suicune (Safeguard\ability- protects from Ex so works as a wall leaving you time to setup)
- Milotic (Clear Seach\attack- lets you search for any 3 cards with only one water energy) Should work perfectly for your type of setup
- Feebas (Fast Ascension\ attack- for one water energy lets you look for Milotic and put it right on top before ending your turn) Backdraw, counts as evolution, but best Feebas out there... My opinion of course
- Multi Energy (Can be used as any energy, but if you have two on the same pokemon the second is colorless) Not sure how it would apply to your card though being double, guess you could always ask in the Professor part of the forum... Should work nicely though because you can have both water and electric, although obviously only one at a time... Ohh and can also be fairy energy which helps if someone throws Fairy Garden...
- Gust of Wind (Basically a Pokemon catcher, you pick the Pokemon that gets put in the active spot from the bench, no coin flip required and the best part, it's only an Item unlike the new Lysandre) Kind of a Staple really, must have...
-Float Stone (Free retreat- works great with Keldeo)
-Professors Letter/ Item (Search for any two Basic Energy) Works great with Skyla as it can be used right after
- Pokemon Communication (Exchange a pokemon from your hand for one in your deck)
-Muscle band (The attack of the pokemon it is attached to does 20 more damage)

^I'm not up to date on the market, but these shouldn't be that expensive...

Other cards:
-PONT (Shauna is fine though, it's just a card less)
-Mewtwo (Strong attacker, uses two colorless energy for X Ball)
-Keldeo (Rush in/ abilityl-ets him enter active spot without the need to retreat the pokemon that's already there) Plus, great attacker, you'll want water energy for this one
- Pokemon Collector/Supporter ( Lets you search for 3 Basic Pokemon)
-Cilan/supporter (lets you search for any 3 basic energy)

^Again, I'm not up to date on the market, but these will be more expensive... Added them to my deck and they do make a significant difference

- You could add more energy, I'd put more water... 14-18 usually works for me, plus more energy means more chances of drawing energy with your draw power
- Consider using a bigger variety of Supporters, draw is Good, but there are other things that could help your metagame more... For supporters I usually use 5 different supporters although I may have multiple copies of them

I can't honestly think of better cards that fit what you are looking forthan these (eapecially Milotic)...
Best of Luck and hope this helps :)
I tried something like this for unlimited however I played a slightly different engine then the one above me, supporters for search and pokemon for draw so I ran

1-1 claydol GE
2-2 Eelectric (dynamotor)
2 uxie
luxury ball
legend box
celios network
2 roseannes etc, etc, etc

Extra attackers are optional.

Edit: on another note I would rather play mewtwo lv.X then suicune and mewtwo EX any day of the week in unlimited.