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What happens if you throw an Eevee into Space?
My deck for Battle Roads:

Pokemon - 14
2 Raikou EX
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Thundurus
4-4 Eelektrik

S/S/T - 27
1 Random Receiver
2 Level Ball
2 Ultra Ball
2 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Eviolite
2 Super Rod
2 Switch
2 Max Potion
2 Cheren
4 Juniper
4 N

Energy - 12
8 Lightning

There are seven slots left not sure what to increase/decrease or add/remove. I appreciate any help given! Thanks!

ps Catcher isn't an option at this point but I have every intention of putting in four of them when I can. Would like an alternative suggestion. As a side note: I do feel like there is too much going on Trainer-wise and think it needs a bit of clean up. ^.^'

Again, thanks for the help!
With the 7 extra spots I would add

+3 Catcher (if possible)
+2 Max Potion
+1 Zekrom EX/Tornadus EX (Zekrom for OHKO on Dragons/Tornadus for Fighting)
+1 Ultra Ball

and if you can't get the Catcher,
+1 Cheren/Bianca
+1 Level Ball
and one spot of your choice.

Actually, your Trainer line looks pretty good. I wouldn't mess with it too much.
Overall, a pretty solid list. Hope I helped!
Thank you for the suggestion! However, wouldn't it be more prudent to allow for all four Catchers? I feel that unless I can KO three EXs that fourth one will come in handy. I will also be using Zekrom EX as I don't have access to Tornadus EX but I am wondering wether or not a non EX Zekrom would be a better idea (he only gives one prize to Zekrom EX's four, and I feel he is just as strong late game if not better ((especially with an Evioloite.)) So I might revise it to:

+4 Catcher
+2 Max Potion
+1 Zekrom
+4 Catcher
+2 Max Potion
+1 Ultra Ball

I cannot decide which is more necessary, the Ultra Ball or the extra attacker. Thank you for the help!
It's up to you really. My Raikou deck currently runs three Catchers because I figure I can snipe for 1-2 prizes, plus 2-3 prizes from KOs, and Catchers for the rest. Zekrom is great but you do have Thundurus so it's not necessary.
I think that with only 11 Supporter/RR you will want that 3rd Ultra Ball. 2-2 of Ultra/Level Ball isn't enough for Eels.

Hope I was of help again. Good luck at BR!
Maybe add Tornadus EX for the Terrakions out there? I don't know what your metagame is like where you are from, but it is battle roads. You will more likely see some Groudon/Terrakion EX shanagans.
I'll see if I can get my hands on a Tornadus EX, no luck with the Catchers though (at least, not in time for Roads.) Great suggestions though! Thanks very much!

ps Surprisingly Groudon really isn't played in my area. However, there will be quite a nasty Garbodor/Sableye/Darkrai deck that Im afraid of. Garbodor/Terrakion is scary enough, time for some Tool Scrapper!