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RaikouEels(Raikou Ex, Eelektrik)

Darkness Drago

Aspiring Trainer
The main idea of the deck is start with thundurus to accelerate energy and after they have KOed it u send up Raikou and deal 100 to any pokemon which hopefully takes a prize. Everything else is pretty explanatory, the eels for energy reuseage, mewtwo for late game kills. Raikou ex for 1 lightning and 1 colorless does 30 damage and flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is paralyzed, its second atk for 2 lightning and 1 colorless it does 100 to any of my opponents pokemon but i discard all lighting energy attached to raikou ex. Raikou has a fight weakness times 2, 1 retreat and no resistance.

15 pokemon
2x Raikou Ex(dark explorers)
2x Mewtwo Ex(nxt Destinies)
2x Zekrom Ex(nxt Destinies)
1x Thundurus(noble victories)
3x Eelektrik(noble victories)
4x Tynamo(noble victories,dosent really matter which)
1x Tornadus(noble victories)

31 T,S,S
3x Professor Juniper
3x Sages Training
2x N
4x Junk Arm
4x Duel Ball
1x Eviolite
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Sky Arrow Bridge(gives raikou and thundurus free retreat)
2x Pluspower
2x Level Ball
2x Switch
1x Super Rod

14x Energy
4x {C}{C}
10x {L}
I think a zekrom EX would be a great idea because if you want to make some quick OHKOs. It also fits into this deck very well.
-2 thundurus (in my experience, not more than 2 is needed)
-1 professor juniper (to make room)
-1 PONT (to make room)
-1 eviolite (not really needed)

+2 zekrom EX (attacker)
+3 sage's (good draw power and discarder)
I dont know about maxed out Collector, maybe take some out and add Dual Ball?
And Skyarrow Bridge can sometimes help your opponet more than you, but if you decide to use it than maybe try adding 1-2 Smeargle.
i think you would have a hard time with landorus terrakion.

-1 raikou
-1 thunderus

+2 tornadus

i think those pokemon would be perfect.
I'd try using either 4 collector or 4 dual ball but not both since it tends to be inconsistent. I'm not too sure about taking out thundurus though. It is a very useful starter from what I've experience and heard.
Im not sure about taking out the thundurus either but i like duel ball more than collector so 4 duel ball and 1 tornadus i guess since its weak to eel decks and there are alot in my area. since im running more pokemon that rely on dce should i put more in.
I would cut a Zekrom EX and something else you don't use for 2 Zekrom BW. It is a great card because you can constantly hit for 120 and keep your opponent struggling to keep up.
-1 Mewtwo EX
+1 Terrakion NV

If you're agains't a mirror matchup, things are going to be hecktic. Terra atleast makes the likeleyhood of winning a lot more than what the deck would have without it. Besides, two Mewtwos in a deck is insane tbh.

I believe Prism Energy wold also do this deck wonders, but I'm unsure at the moment as to what to take out.
2 mew twos are better in a mew two war IMO and if you are countering other mew twos, but terrakion would make a nice addition.
I like the free retreat on raikou but im not sure about taking sky arrows out, and also terrakion is useless with out fighting energy or prism.
Darkness Drago said:
I like the free retreat on raikou but im not sure about taking sky arrows out, and also terrakion is useless with out fighting energy or prism.

Many people play Skyarrow, so you should have one in play most of the time anyway. I don't think it is worth the space to play it yourself.
Honestly, I'd even bump the Skyarrow up to 3 just to make sure you can retreat the active Raikou for a benched one, and then just keep sniping turn after turn. Not all decks will run Skyarrow, and a few will probably run stadiums to counter it.

If you are able to, try -1 Zekrom EX, +1 Raikou EX. You can already hit for lots of damage with Raikou and Mewtwo, so why have 2 Zek EX? Raikou is also much faster, which will be a big bonus Dark Explorers-on. Actually, I would even drop the other Zek EX for a regular Zekrom. Just a thought.

This is just my personal opinion, but I am not a big fan of Tornadus. I think you should start with Thundurus to get that easy 80 damage T2, so I'd -1 Tornadus, +1 Thundurus.

And if you can find room, 2 Max Potion could really help to heal all the damage off a Raikou that just attacked, but with no downside.

Lastly, go with the 40 HP Tynamo, especially if you add another Skyarrow.
Zekrom EX can do a quick OHKO which helps. Its for the opponent's powerful pokemon. I don't think max potion may be needed really.