Ruling Rainbow Energies Please Clarify


Trying To Come Up
ok so me and a couple of friends are debating about the rainbow energies. for example lets say i played a holons castform double rainbow energy card thing. to cover the cost for lets say 2 psychic energies does it change to psychic energies or does it stay a rainbow energy but play as a psychic one. my friend says it changes from a rainbow to whatever energy you need it to be but it stays as that energy.

so if i'm right. when a card say discard 2 lightning energies [cost of attack would be (L)(L)(C)] and you add a holons castform and a psychic. you dont have to discard since you dont have any lightning energies.

please clarify. much apreciated
Draekfist said:
no, castform can be 2 of any combination os energy

ok if it counts for two of any combo. do you still have to discard it if it asks to discard for example 2 lightning energies?
Holon Castform provides every type of energy BUT only ONE TYPE at a time. For example;

1st turn: 2 Psychic
2nd turn: 2 Grass
3rd turn: 2 Fire
and so on...

Basically, Holon Castform would turn into any energy you want at that time BUT it must be same type..
It is everything at once. If an attack uses [P] energies and tells you to discard your [L] and [F] (which is impossible, but anyway), and you use a Rainbow, you'd discard it. If it asks you to discard [G] energies, you discard it. Whatever colour it is, you discard it. It doesn't matter what it's supplying at the time, it's still the other colours.