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Rainbow Stags (Xerneas EX / Xerneas)


Aspiring Trainer
This one is for Neos that asked me for how should an Aromatisse-centered deck look like.

Pokemon (17):

  • 4 Xerneas EX [XY]
    3 Xerneas [XY]
    2 Spritzee [XY]
    2 Aromatisse [XY] (Fairy Transfer)
    2 Swirlix [XY]
    2 Slurpuff [XY] (Sweet Viel)
    1 Jigglypuff [XY]
    1 Wiggytuff [XY 90/146]
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (33):

  • 4 Evosoda [XY]
    3 N [DEX / BW100]
    3 Colress [PLS]
    3 Fairy Garden [XY]
    3 Skyla [BCR]
    3 Max Potion [EPO / PLF]
    2 Muscle Band [XY]
    2 Pokemon Fan Club [FLF]
    2 Ultra Ball [FLF]
    2 Energy Retrieval [PLB]
    2 Lysandre [FLF]
    2 Professor Letter [XY]
    1 Startling Megaphone [FLF]
    1 Dowsing Machine [PLS] (ACE SPEC)
Energy (10):

  • 10 Fairy Energy

Maybe Board:
  • Sigilyph [LTR] (Safeguard): Can hold some decks at bay. Also, is a wonderful Mewtwo EX killer. Use with Rainbow Energies.
  • Mewtwo EX [LTR]: X ball your foe with enough energies by moving them around.
  • Yveltal EX [XY]: Same as Mewtwo EX, but it is Evil Ball and it hits for +20 than Mewtwo EX's X Ball. Need Rainbow Energy.
  • Raichu [XY]: Merely to kill off some Yveltals and Lugias. Can OHKO Pyroars with full bench and Muscle Band.
  • Mr. Mime [PLF]: This protects our valuable pokemon from bench snipping.

We set Aromatisse as soon as possible, for it let us move Fairy Energy (and also Rainbow Energy) around as much as we want.

We then set a Fairy Garden, meaning we won't have to pay for retreats as long as the active has at least one Fairy Energy, which will be easy with Aromatisse around.

We start off with Xerneas baby whenever possible and do a Geomancy at the very first turn. This gets us 2 Fairy energies from the deck, each one in a different benched pokemon, so we can move them around in the next turn.

Which means that, by our second attacking turn we have one on baby Xerneas and another 2 on benched pokemon. Attach a fourth energy from hand, move them all to a Xerneas EX and we can start X Blast-ing anything for 140 damage. We can also Breakthrough for 3 energy, hitting for 60 on active and 30 on one benched.

Normally we could not hit again with X Blast in the following turn. That is why we set another Xerneas EX, retreat the first one and move the energy to the new one, which CAN X Blast. Rinse, Repeat.

Slurpuff is there because its ability blocks Special Conditions on the Active Pokemon if it has a Fairy Energy on it. Much like a Virizion, only for Fairy Energy.

Wigglytuff is our Pokemon of Choice to hit Pyroar and Safeguarders. Hitting 90 for 3 Energies or 20x the number of energies it has, with Muscle Band, this can OHKO the Fire Lion and all Safeguarders.

This is a basic set for a Fairy deck as a suggestion on how to start on building this deck up. I have never built this myself, so, of course, many things will be a little off. Feel free to comment what changes you might think necessary.
This sounds really awesome. I'll put this in consideration, depending on the price now. And also, No sycamore orr Juniper??

Just played with this deck on PlayTCG. i won all the matches I played. (5) This deck is just to good.
ive played this deck and it isnt great you cant get anything attacking for more than about 160 which isnt enough in this format
Xerneas EX is not the way to go for a main attacker in an aromatisse deck, like judda said xerneas ex with 4 energies (can be easy 1hko with yveltal ex) can only do 140 or 160 witch muscle band, so i dont think more than 1/2 is good for the deck, and is better played with rainbow energies and other pokemons like yveltal , mewtwo ...
Neos said:
Just played with this deck on PlayTCG. i won all the matches I played. (5) This deck is just to good.

It is really fast and rewarding! I like it as well.

judda94 said:
ive played this deck and it isnt great you cant get anything attacking for more than about 160 which isnt enough in this format

stormESP said:
Xerneas EX is not the way to go for a main attacker in an aromatisse deck, like judda said xerneas ex with 4 energies (can be easy 1hko with yveltal ex) can only do 140 or 160 witch muscle band, so i dont think more than 1/2 is good for the deck, and is better played with rainbow energies and other pokemons like yveltal , mewtwo ...

I agreed with you, this deck is great but wil surely be held back in the meta that is coming up with Furious Fist. Yet, I told you that this is just a base for ideas. Yveltal, Mewtwo and others work great with it.

One of the best things this deck has to offer is its mechanics. You can fit lots of tech in it to cover what you want and it will work.
Storm is right the deck can play well if you go for cards like yvetal ex and metwo ex
Hm, I well I can offer the deck list I used when this was my main deck about 3 weeks ago.

Pokemon - 17
x2 Xerneas EX
x3 Xerneas XY
x2 Spritzee
x2 Aromatise
x1 Swirlix
x1 Slurpuff
x2 Mewtwo EX
x2 Raichu XY

Trainers - 28
x4 Professor Juniper
x4 N
x3 Skyla
x2 Colress
x3 Ultra Ball
x3 Max Potion
x2 Muscle Band
x2 Fairy Garden
x2 Switch
x2 Tool Scrapper
x1 Computer Search

Energy - 12
x12 Fairy Energy
x3 DCE

So this deck is actually very easy to set up. The objective is to start with a Xerneas and hopefully get a Turn 1 Geomancy off to get some energy on the board. It's crucial you get an Aromatise on Turn 2 to cycle your energy around, then being able to attack with your Xerneas, or Xerneas EX or Mewtwo EX if you have one on the bench, since you can easily retreat with Fairy Garden, or just burn a switch. This deck is fast, has amazing early game pressure and damage, and is very consistent. The hardest matchup for it is actually RayBoar, since Rayquaza can easily OHKO any Pokemon on your side of the field, and losing energy in this deck is bad news. Other than that though, this deck is awesome and very fun to play!
Now that you mentioned RayBoar as a bad Matchup, I figure Ballistoise as being a PIA to this deck also...