Rare Candy


Aspiring Trainer
is this card good or not? i think its a waste of space cuz its like having an evolution w/out having its attack

Actually its one of the best cards you can have for a stage 2 pokemon deck. It allows you to set up a stage 2 deck extremely fast. You can only evolve a pokemon once per turn so it would take 2 turns to get to a stage 2 pokemon normally but with rare candy you can get there in 1. This is what makes decks like infernape so fast. You can force the evolution with rare candy attach a double rainbow and hit for 90 on turn 1!.
It allows you to cut off the middleman, so to speak. Speeds up decks. You don't want the Stage 1 to be attacking anyway.
@Muscle Tension-You aren't allowed to use Trainers Turn1 anymore. :F

@hatter-It's not a waste of space. Nowadays decks are extremely speedy, so if you don't play Rare Candy, it would take minimum Turn3 to get your Stg2 Pokemon out and Turn4 for Pokemon Lv.X. Therefore, you'll lose early in the game. Example deck: Sniping EmpoleonInfercatty. ><
Flygon said:
@Muscle Tension-You aren't allowed to use Trainers Turn1 anymore. :F

@hatter-It's not a waste of space. Nowadays decks are extremely speedy, so if you don't play Rare Candy, it would take minimum Turn3 to get your Stg2 Pokemon out and Turn4 for Pokemon Lv.X. Therefore, you'll lose early in the game. Example deck: Sniping Empoleon. ><

Actually, Empoleon deck is not a good example because I'm sure the owner of the deck would want to abuse Prinplup's attack. So, the best example will be Inferncatty... :)
Rare Candy also lets you evolve something the same turn it enters play.

In a hybrid Stage 1/2 deck like Magmortar/Typhlosion where the Stage 1 is the primary attacker, you can play a Basic to the bench and use RC to bring out the Stage 1 same turn. Combined with DRE/Scramble or a method of getting multiple energy on a Pokemon in one turn, this can be a killer move mid-to-late game.
Has to be one of the best cards in a Stage 2 Deck.I wonder what will happen next year if POP5 and HP are rotated.I hope they reprint Rare Candy Again.

You can't Rare Candy to a Level X. For example, you can't Rare Candy a Magmar to a Magmortar Lv.X. Magmortar Lv.X is a Lv.X NOT a Stage 2.
dragon9 said:
Has to be one of the best cards in a Stage 2 Deck.I wonder what will happen next year if POP5 and HP are rotated.I hope they reprint Rare Candy Again.


