Ruling Rarity of..

1. It's illegal, meaning it can't be played at all...
2. It's not even legal in unlimited, where most cards from all sets are usable.
There's no way to prove if its your Birthday or not pretty much. It could be just that alone, or because of its brokeness due to that fact that you can just lie.

It's not as broken anymore, but it was way back when it was released and has never been legal since then.
For anyone else wondering about the card here is the picture of it!!!! crazy, crazy card i can see people not being truthful on this one :)
*click to enlarge


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Lol, just when your opponent is about to congratulate you, Pikachu slaps him for 80 damage. This card is just too evil to be legal. =P
SuicuneEX said:
It should be, you can prove your birthday. People don't need to lie about that :(

You'd be suprised how far people will go to get a win... and how easy it might be to get a fake ID for every day of the year.
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
SuicuneEX said:
It should be, you can prove your birthday. People don't need to lie about that :(

Maybe you should send a letter to Nintendo about it, then you will get your Birthday "request"...??:p

Birthday "request"? Huh? What, so they can print on my card my birthday? *is very confused*
:( They should require birth cert. upon entry jsut so you can use that card :p
the card is stupid anyway, if they didn't want people to play it, then they shouldn't have even released it.

P.S- what other cards are as crazy as that one.
StealthAngel667 said:
Lol, just when your opponent is about to congratulate you, Pikachu slaps him for 80 damage. This card is just too evil to be legal. =P

OMG this is funny!!! what a great day in pokemon history when this card was released to put the smack down on your opponents on your birthday....i guess it really is a birthday bash....To the skull:p
You could just write it in pen on the bottom and it would be unchangeable... But then people would get 1 for every day of the year!!! lol. Imagine how much that costs.
but people could forge a birth certificate or put it on their pop card so that it matches the date of the tournament if they were crazy enough
Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous that people would fake a stinking birth certificate just to win a card game..
It's too broke on you're Birthday. That's it, that's enough to ban it. It's a pretty unfair advantage if there ever happened to be a 100% way to prove it was you're birthday. Imagine some one winning Worlds on their birthday, simply because of this card? lol

Draekfist said:
P.S- what other cards are as crazy as that one.

I'm not even joking, these are real cards:


Imakuni's Doduo
Basic Pokemon
90 HP, Colorless Type

Pokemon Power: Run Around: Hold this card and throw it, because Doduo is running away. Throw the card horizontally with a snap to get the furthest distance.    

[C][C] Make Harmony: 30 Damge

When you use this attack, you must sing from the moment you use it and durring your play. Afterward, do 30 damage to the defending Pokémon.
Weakness: Lightning          
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat Cost: 0



Your Active Pokemon is now confused. Imakuni wants you to play him as a Basic Pokemon, but you can't. A mysterious creature not listed in the PokeDex. He asks kids around the world "Who's cuter? Pikachu or me?"

This one is prolly way off, but I translated it best I could:

Imakuni's Exploud EX
150 HP, Colorless Type
Stage 2, Evolves from Imakuni's Loudred

PokeBody: Cog End
As long as Exploud EX is your active Pokemon, while it's mouth is opening wider, get angry unless it attacks.

[C][C][C][C][C] (Name of a person you like here): 50 Damage
Each defending Pokemon is now confused. You cannot use this attack if the opponent's name isn't in the name of this attack. If you are some one you're opponent admires, you're opponent confesses so.

Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: 3

There's a Loudred and Whismur as well but I don't have time to translate them atm. Maybe I can later. lol
Draekfist said:
the card is stupid anyway, if they didn't want people to play it, then they shouldn't have even released it.

P.S- what other cards are as crazy as that one.
magic makes whole sets of cards like those stated above and birthday chu...