• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Ray-Deo Legend (Seniors, Any Tourny)


Pokemon Army
2-2 Ray-Deo Legend
2-1-2 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Blissey PL
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
2-2 Bronzong SF
2 Sableye SF
pokemon: 22

6 {R}
6 {L}
energy: 12

4 bebe's
4 pokedrawer
4 legend box
4 quick ball
4 volkners
4 pokeradar
2 rare candy
T/S/S: 26

strategy: start with sableye, set up ray-deo and 2 typhlosion prime hit for 150 OHKO draw 2 prizes repeat, tank with blissey, get energy with bronzong, uxie for draw power. NEED HELP THANX
legend box is kinda random i would say
- 4 legend box
+ 1-1 bronzong TR (for getting ray-deo legend)
+ 2 farfetch'd SF (for searching out pokedrawers)

Your start; Yes i have 1 half RDL and 2 poke drawer+, but my only basic is cyndaqil. Some more trainer draw, hmm only 1 supporter (bebe's).
Opponent; I start with spiritomb AR ^^ (yes! I have every thing for t2 vileplume, awesome)
You; (after 3 turns) I'm out...

Yeah.. I don't think this deck has any chance vs trainer lock decks which are getting big right now. So you'll need to fix the T/S/S lines so that you can get every thing you need without the need to use so much trainers. (legend box should stay)

The question is now. Do you want to make a deck based around RDL or a deck that can use RDL?
