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Rayeels: Any Help Welcomed!


The best Gamer Out there
Hi Guy. I was testing Rayeels yesterday(Link bellow) and i wondered if this deck could get any improvements
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O_R_1jZO54

This List Is now edited


3 Rayquaza EX
1 Baby Rays (DV Rayquaza)
1 Emolga DRX
1 Victini (V- Create)
1 MR. Mime PF
2 Keldeo EX
4 Eels NV
2-2 Tynamo (2 T-wave 2 Spark, Don't have 4 T-wave :D)



4 Juniper
3 N
2 Skyla
3 Colress


3 Catchers
3 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Super Rod
1 max potion
1 Tool Scraper


3 float stones


2 Pokemon Centres


8 Lightning
5 Fire


If you don't know what eels do well this is what they do. Eels Once per turn can take an energy out the discard pile and put it on a bench pokemon. You use this ability to power-up Rayquaza EX. Rayquaza Ex does 60x the amount of either fire or lightning discarded. For this deck you want to get the electric energy in the discard pile then keep recycling them. The Rayquaza and Victini are alternative Attackers. The Emolga is for setup and the Mime For Support with the keldeos as switchers.

So that is the deck Any Help would be amazing but before asking for changes try the deck so you know how it feels

Thanks for Any Help :D
RE: Rayeels Deck. Any Help Welcomed

This list seems alright, but it could use some improvements.

Firstly, your Supporter count is too low, and I also think you should change your Supporters around a bit. Personally, I think Skyla is horrible in this deck, since grabbing 1 new card per turn won't keep this deck fueled, and I think Bianca is superior to Cheren, so I would take those out and add another N, another Colress and 2 Bianca. As for adding more Supporters, personally, I would add another Colress, since the only time it's not all that good is turn's 1 and 2. After that, it will almost always net you at least 5 or 6 cards. I'll get to what to take out for that Colress in a bit.

Secondly, I think the Keldeo/Float Stone combo is amazing in this deck. All you need is 1 Rayquaza EX with a Fire on it and 3 Eels, and you can use Dragon Burst for 180 every turn. I'd probably go with 2 Keldeo and 3 Float Stone. And now that you have Keldeo/Float Stone, Skyarrow Bridge really isn't necessary, since you don't need to retreat anything other than Keldeo with a Float Stone. Now, we can add another Stadium. If you have access to Tropical Beach, I would go with that. But it's understandable if you don't, so we can use Pokemon Center instead. It helps with healing Bench damage if you can't get Mr. Mime out, and if your opponent is trying to 2 shot your EX's. I'd add 2 of those.

I would also add another Super Rod. Eelektrik's are the main target of your opponent, and being able to put them back into the deck with Super Rod is so helpful. And one last thing I would add is Max Potion. For similar reasons to Pokemon Center.

Now, we need to make some space. With Keldeo/Float Stone, Switch is useless, so those can go. I don't really see a huge need for Zekrom, so you can take that out. Baby Ray is only helpful against the Mirror and Blastoise, so we can take 1 of those out, and you can always Super Rod it back if you need it again. And for the last 2 spots, I think you can afford to take out a Lightning and a Fire. I never really found I needed that many energy.

tl;dr here's all the changes I'd make.

-2 Skyla
-2 Cheren
-2 Skyarrow Bridge
-4 Switch
-1 Zekrom

+1 N
+2 Bianca
+2 Colress
+2/3 Keldeo/Float Stone
+2 Pokemon Center
+1 Super Rod
+1 Max Potion

Hope these changes helped. I've been playing Ray/Eels since it was released, and it's still one of my favorite decks to play. It will also get really good when Plasma Blast comes out (assuming Eelektrik isn't rotated), since Victini 1 shots Virizion EX and Genesect EX.
I like to run a supporter of 3-3-3-3 N-Juniper-Skyla-Bianca. You DEFINITELY should run Max potions, I run 2. Also you have 6 "tech" pokemon spots, I recommend that you put Victini EX in at least 2 of those spots. An excellent energy accelerator and keeps your eels from getting knocked off early. I would also drop a switch for an energy retrieval.
RE: Rayeels Deck. Any Help Welcomed

Machamp the Champion said:
This list seems alright, but it could use some improvements.

Firstly, your Supporter count is too low, and I also think you should change your Supporters around a bit. Personally, I think Skyla is horrible in this deck, since grabbing 1 new card per turn won't keep this deck fueled, and I think Bianca is superior to Cheren, so I would take those out and add another N, another Colress and 2 Bianca. As for adding more Supporters, personally, I would add another Colress, since the only time it's not all that good is turn's 1 and 2. After that, it will almost always net you at least 5 or 6 cards. I'll get to what to take out for that Colress in a bit.

Secondly, I think the Keldeo/Float Stone combo is amazing in this deck. All you need is 1 Rayquaza EX with a Fire on it and 3 Eels, and you can use Dragon Burst for 180 every turn. I'd probably go with 2 Keldeo and 3 Float Stone. And now that you have Keldeo/Float Stone, Skyarrow Bridge really isn't necessary, since you don't need to retreat anything other than Keldeo with a Float Stone. Now, we can add another Stadium. If you have access to Tropical Beach, I would go with that. But it's understandable if you don't, so we can use Pokemon Center instead. It helps with healing Bench damage if you can't get Mr. Mime out, and if your opponent is trying to 2 shot your EX's. I'd add 2 of those.

I would also add another Super Rod. Eelektrik's are the main target of your opponent, and being able to put them back into the deck with Super Rod is so helpful. And one last thing I would add is Max Potion. For similar reasons to Pokemon Center.

Now, we need to make some space. With Keldeo/Float Stone, Switch is useless, so those can go. I don't really see a huge need for Zekrom, so you can take that out. Baby Ray is only helpful against the Mirror and Blastoise, so we can take 1 of those out, and you can always Super Rod it back if you need it again. And for the last 2 spots, I think you can afford to take out a Lightning and a Fire. I never really found I needed that many energy.

tl;dr here's all the changes I'd make.

-2 Skyla
-2 Cheren
-2 Skyarrow Bridge
-4 Switch
-1 Zekrom

+1 N
+2 Bianca
+2 Colress
+2/3 Keldeo/Float Stone
+2 Pokemon Center
+1 Super Rod
+1 Max Potion

Hope these changes helped. I've been playing Ray/Eels since it was released, and it's still one of my favorite decks to play. It will also get really good when Plasma Blast comes out (assuming Eelektrik isn't rotated), since Victini 1 shots Virizion EX and Genesect EX.

Hi so just tested the list

The games were always on edge. to say the least. In the early game when i wanted the skyla to get the eels setup i would like get a biance and wiff. In the middle game i got a steady place but was always a little behind But in the Late game I was on FIRE. the ABSOLute power of consistant 180 after 180 was OP.

The things I'll keep for sure
Max Potion - Save My keldeos when staling
2/3 K & F - Easier than getting the stadium alive
Colress - draw

Things than I'll re-add for sure

Skyla - I find that i need it most of the time
The Energy - just to speed up a little

Thanks for the help
anythingbutgrass said:
I like to run a supporter of 3-3-3-3 N-Juniper-Skyla-Bianca. You DEFINITELY should run Max potions, I run 2. Also you have 6 "tech" pokemon spots, I recommend that you put Victini EX in at least 2 of those spots. An excellent energy accelerator and keeps your eels from getting knocked off early. I would also drop a switch for an energy retrieval.

Thanks for the suggestions

Yey Max Potions Help A-LOT. I know that victini EX is really good but the problem is i have none (lol)

Why I can't buy them
- I'm Broke
Get 2 more of the Thunder Wave Tynamo when you can. They are just a common so it will be very cheap.

I have never been a fan of using the other Rayquaza in the deck. The problem is you can just lose too many good cards early game. I think it would be better as either a Level Ball or Ultra Ball so you can get an Eel easier.
King Arceus said:
Get 2 more of the Thunder Wave Tynamo when you can. They are just a common so it will be very cheap.

I have never been a fan of using the other Rayquaza in the deck. The problem is you can just lose too many good cards early game. I think it would be better as either a Level Ball or Ultra Ball so you can get an Eel easier.

Hi, Thanks for your ideas.

Yeah I'm about to get my 2 t-wave tynamos soon (I hope)
The rayquaza to me is a decent starter and attacker so that's why i have it
Also 6 balls is already a lot to have a 7th would be overkill with no use