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Hey everyone!

New player here, decided Reels would be my first deck. ^_^

My original list:
4 Tynamo NV38
4 Eelektrick NV40
2 Raikou EX
2 Rayquaza EX
2 Thundurus

4 Level Ball
4 Ultra Ball
2 Skyarrow Bridge
4 Juniper
4 N
4 Cheren
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Switch
1 Random Receiver
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Super Rod

8 Lightning
5 Fire

My friend who is much more knowledgeable than I already suggested these changes:

- 1 Raikou EX
- 2 Thundurus
- 4 Level Ball
- 2 Skyarrow Bridge

+ 1 Random Receiver
+ 2 Zekrom BW47
+1 Tool Scrapper
+2 Eviolite
+2 Lighting Energy
+1 Rayquaza DX128

I worry that the loss of Level Ball means that it's harder to setup with my Eels, and I worry about lone Tynamo starts. (This is all theory, as I have yet to pilot the deck at all aside from a bit of solitaire. )
A few thoughts/suggestions:

-1 Level Ball.
-1 Ultra Ball. You already have 12 draw Supporters and a Random Receiver (13th way to get a draw card). I've found 3 LBs and 3 UBs to be the "right" mix for me to get both my Tynamos and Eelektriks into play quickly.

+1 Rayquaza (DrX 128). This would be another good starter for your deck, as well as a counter to opponent's Dragon type Poké. In this case, you need not expose your Ray EX which could be the target of a revenge KO by your opponent.

+2 Thundurus (EP 35). In my build, this is my preferred starter. After a T1 Charge attack, the follow-on T2 80 damage output (Disaster Bolt) can lead to early game advantages. Starting with either of your EXs does not help you much; plus, you also expose a 2-prize target early game.

Also, some players prefer playing the DaX 45 Tynamo whose Random Spark inflicts 10 damage onto the defending Poké, as well as another opponent's benched Poké. On the other hand, I'd prefer to paralyze the defending Poké with your chosen Thunder Waving Tynamo.

-2 Skyarrow Bridge. Even if your opponent does not play 1, you can still get by without any in most games, in my honest opinion (imho). Especially since you can Dynamotor L energy onto your benched Poké. So, retreating your active Poké does not "hurt" you that much.

-1 Professor Juniper.
+1 Random Receiver. I personally do NOT play 4 PJs in any of my decks, for I've experienced too many occasions where I had a PJ and good resources I did not want to discard! So, now I tend to play multiple Random Receivers to help avoid those situations. On the other hand, as a good Poké pal strongly suggested to me once, this may be the "only" deck that truly should play 4 PJs.

-4 Cheren.
+4 Bianca Since you are playing Ulta Balls which depletes cards from your hand, Biancas will be a better card drawing option, because sometimes you will be able to draw more (Bianca) than just 3 (Cheren) cards after playing an UB or UBs. My rule of thumb is to include 1 Bianca for each UB in my deck.

-2 Switch. Accept the fact that your Eels will be Catchered sometimes to help buy your opponents some time. You have a 4-4 line which is quite strong. (Many players just run a 3-3 line.)

+1 Energy Retrieval. You'll need a "fast" way to get needed R energy back from your discard pile. Sometimes, you just can't afford to Super Rod the R energy and "wait" till you can draw into this energy.

-1 Tool Scrapper.
+2 Plus Power. Through debate (lol) and recent Regional tournament play, I believe Plus Powers are more advantageous than Eviolites. Simply, Eviolites may not ever reduce damage, because your opponent can just Scrappered them off. And in other cases, many Poké are setup to be 2HKOs anyways; so, the Eviolites will not help in those situations either.

+1 L Energy, or +1 Super Rod, or +1 Revive. With this last remaining slot, the selection is influenced alot by playing style. 8 L energy is probably sufficient, especially with all the drawing support. But a 9th L energy is also good too! When I play against this deck, I tend to attack the benched Tynamos and Eelektriks early; so, a 2nd Super Rod could be quite helpful (especially if your 1st SR is prized). The Revive is used for the "surprise" attacker retrieved from the discard pile, powered up, and attack for the game win or "significant advantage" (hopefully).

I encourage you to try different combinations of suggested changes till you find the right mix for you/your playing style. Hope these comments help. Have fun, good luck, and playtest, playtest, playtest!