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Rayquaza/Dynamotor Deck - Need Advice! :)


Aspiring Trainer
what does everybody think of this deck?

pokemon: 12
1 zekrom FA 114/114
1 Mewtwo ex BW45 promo
1 sandile 63/114
1 makuhita 82/149
3 rayquaza ex BW47 promo
3 tynamo
2 eelektrik 40/101

energy's: 24
3 fighting-basic
9 fire-basic
5 phychic-basic
5 electric-basic
2 double colorless-special

trainer's: 24
2 great ball
2 Bianca
1 colress
1 cilan
1 energy switch
4 pokemon communication
3 revive
1 eviolite
1 exp. share
3 switch
4 energy search
1 potion
2 juniper
RE: rayquaza/dynamotor deck need advice:)

littywitty said:
Ugh ... Too many different Pokemon types and energy is a mess ... Sorry for being rude but needs major changes ...

Next time you could give some suggestions instead of just saying it needs work.

-1 Sandile (not needed, there are better basic fighting types)
-1 Makuhita (^)
-5 Psychic Energy (Interferes with Dynamotor)
-3 Fighting Energy (nothing needs it)
-2 DCE (bad with only 1 Mewtwo)
-1 Potion (not needed)
-4 Energy Search (you'll draw your energy, trust me)
-1 Cilan (horrible supporter in Eels)
-1 Energy Switch (You have Eelektrik to control energy flow)
-4 Fire Energy (Electric energy is better)
-3 Revive (Super Rod trumps this)

+4 N (Late game helper, just a staple)
+1 Keldeo EX (helps keep up a consistent 180 damage Dragon Burst)
+1 Tynamo (4-4 is best, you want as many Eels out as possible to maintain damage flow)
+2 Eelektrik (^)
+4 Ultra Ball (discard Electric energy and get something useful
+4 Pokemon catcher (if you can get them, staple
+1 Dowsing Machine (just because there are so many trainers in here)
+2 Professor Juniper (speed is useful, electric energy can be discarded)
+4 Electric Energy (needs more for an Eelektrik deck)
+2 Rayquaza (good early game, helps a ton against Klinklang)
+1 Super Rod (get Fire Energy back into the deck)

I'll help more later.
RE: Rayquaza/Dynamotor deck need advice:)

Could you please add the strategy and edit your list with capital letters please? I already went ahead and changed the thread title so that it is grammatically correct. Thanks!
I would say you need atleast 9 electric energy
4-4 Eel Line
Atleast 1 Raikou
5-6 Fire Energy is Enough
2 Skyarrow is really useful
3 level ball
3 Ultra ball (for discrading energy)
Energy switches are also come in handy a lot
Mewtwo is not needed when playing ray...

The techs I use in my rayeels are Fliptini (for raikou and tynamo ) and max potion is also really useful
I am just going to copy and paste what I posted in another thread of someone asking for help with a Rayeels deck list if thats ok:

-4 Tynamo (Thunder Wave)
-4 Eelektrik (Dynamoter obviously)
-3 Rayquaza EX
-1 Victini EX
-1 Victini (V-create)
-1 Emolga (DRX)

-4 Professor Juniper
-4 N
-3 Bianca
-2 Colress

-2 Skyarrow Bridge

-1 Computer Search
-4 Ultra Ball
-4 Level Ball
-4 Switch
-3 Pokemon Catcher
-2 Super Rod

-5 Fire Energy
-8 Lightning Energy

The strategy of the Rayquaza Eelektrik deck is essentially to use Rayquaza EX's Dragon Burst attack every single turn discarding 3 Lightning Energies to do 180 damage and KO 3 EX Pokemon (which give up to prize cards) in 3 turns to take all six prizes. They way this deck does this is by using the Stage 1 Pokemon Eelektrik's (card # 40 from Noble Victories) ability Dynamotor which allows you to attach 1 Lightning Energy from your discard pile to one of your benched Pokemon per turn for each Eelektrik you have in play. So, if you have 3 Eelektrik's in play and 3 Lightning Energies in your discard pile you can attach 3 Lightning Energies to a benched Rayquaza EX and the attach a Fire Energy from hand to power up its attack Dragon Burst (which requires 1 Fire Energy and 1 Lightning Energy and does 60 damage for each attached energy you discard) for 180 Damage discarding the 3 Lightning Energies. The stadium card Skyarrow Bridge reduces the retreat cost of Basic Pokemon by 1 and Rayquaza EX only has a 1 retreat cost so Skyarrow Bridge gives it free retreat. So if you have 2 Rayquaza EX's, 3 Eelektriks, and Skyarrow Bridge in play you can Dynamoter 3 Lightnings to a benched Rayquaza and then retreat for free using Skyarrow Bridge and use Dragon Burst putting 3 Lightning Energies back in the discard pile for 180 damage. You can then repeat this next turn with your other Rayquaza EX. This deck runs cards like Professor Juniper, Ultra Ball, and Computer Search so it is able to get Lightning Energies in the discard pile early while simultaneously searching out Tynamos (Eelektriks pre-evolution) and Eelektriks to put on your bench and evolve into. Emolga has an attack that for 1 Energy allows you to search your deck for 2 Basic Pokemon and put them on your bench which allows you to get out your Tynamos to evolve the next turn. Victini EX has an attack that for 1 Fire Energy allows you to attach 2 Basic Energies from your deck to your benched Pokemon in anyway you like; this is helpful for powering up Rayquaza EX's Dragon Burst attack before you have Eelektriks in play (very good on turn 1 or 2). The regular Victini (with V-create) has an attack that does 100 for 1 Fire and 1 Colorless Energy as long as you have a full bench (5 benched Pokemon) and is used to counter a deck that uses only metal Pokemon that are weak to fire but has an ability to prevent EX Pokemon from attacking. Switch is useful in this deck because Eelektrik has a 2 Retreat cost and isn't Basic which means Skyarrow Bridge doesn't affect it. Switch also allows you to Switch an Active Rayquaza EX onto the bench so you can Dyamotor energies onto it and then still retreat back into it allowing you to Dragon Burst for 180 with only 1 Rayquaza EX in play. Pokemon Catcher (a card that allows you to pick an opponents benched Pokemon and move it to the active spot) is useful to make sure you are KOing EX Pokemon every turn to take the most amount of prizes per attack.

Thats the best I can do to describe the Rayquaza Eelektrik or Rayeels deck.
I hope this helps. =)