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Ok so this is basic ReshiBoar with added speed. It's a combo with Cinccino and Reshiram. Cinccino with heavy collector lines does 100 damage turn two for fast and easy prizes. Reshiram backs up Cinccino in the mid-game and end game. Here's the deck:

4-4 Cinccino
4 Reshiram
2-1-2 Emboar
1-1 Ninetales

3 Prof. Junniper
4 Collector

4 Pokémon Comm.
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokegear
3 Switch
4 Energy Retrieval

9 Fire

I love this deck! So hers how it usually goes:

1. Start Minccino/Reshiram. Use switch to get Minccino up front. Attach fire or DCE to Minccino. Use last resort for possible cleffa donk or fast damage.

2. On turn two you should have Cinccino up front with a 4-5 bench. While you attack with Cinccino set up reshiram/Emboar/Ninetales.

3. When Cinccino becomes not affective (High HP pokemon come out that Cinccino can't 1 shot) use reshirams outrage and blue flare attacks.

I have not tested this deck at all. I did test against MewKing and it wins 75% of the time. I self tested it and it sets up turn 3. Please reply and thanks!
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This actually looks like an interesting idea; nice take.

I'd recommend some changes:

-1 Reshiram. You don't really need 4, as starting with one could hinder your chances of getting T2 Cinccino out.
-1-1 Cinccino. You should have enough attackers between 3 Cinccino, 3 Reshiram, and 2 Typhlosion.
-2 Energy Retrieval. With the Junk Arm you'll add in (not to mention Typhlosion), you should be fine.
-2 Pokegear. It's a nice play, but there are more useful cards to put in.
-1 Switch. With 4 Junk Arm, 2 should work (you also run a good amount of energy not to need 3).

+3 Junk Arm. You really need to get some Trainers back that you'll use again.
+3 Catcher. Just a generally useful card.
+2 Copycat/Judge- your preference. I prefer Copycat here just because it'll usually get more than 3 cards, but Judge is nice for disruption.
Thanks for tips! Nobody replies because they think the decks trash but it's actually competitive. I'll use your ideas but I would like to use emboar instead of typlosion. I think it's just better. Another quetion do you think I should bring this to BRs?

The reason I came up with the deck is because I hated sammurot with Cinccino and I didn't have yanmega prime. Also I thougt that if I added reshiboar I could at least add a nine tales draw engine.