Discussion Recovering Pokemon from Discard in New Rotation


It's not easy having a good time.
Hey everyone!

I was wondering what everyone's plans are for a rotation without Rescue Stretcher.

Energy recovery isn't going to be an issue with plenty of Pokemon able to accelerate energy from the discard and plenty of Trainer cards that let you shuffle back or return energy to your hand. In my post-rotation build, the biggest problem I've come across is dealing with being unable to shuffle Pokemon back into the deck. Is Pokemon trying to push the meta away from recovery? Cards like Lance Prism are intensely situational and only apply to specific decks, seems to me that the company is trying to make the meta more focused on winning with what you have, especially with the return of the Lost Zone.

I'm probably speaking too soon and we'll either get a Rescue Stretcher or Super Rod reprint in an upcoming set, but if not I'm curious to hear what you all are planning on doing to deal with this issue.
Resource Management Oranguru survives the rotation, and if that's not your cup of tea there's also Brock's Grit and Lure Ball, though the latter is only for Evolved Pokémon and you need to flip heads.
You won't be saving late game supporter turns for guzma or acerola anymore, so plenty of time to Brock.