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Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Any Tournament)

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Pokemon Master
Pretty new to the whole world of TCG. My deck as it stands now. Constantly open to and undergoing changes as I acquire new cards.

Pokemon (16):
3-3 Scizor Prime with Scyther Jungle set (Free retreat+ Minus 30 fighting resistance)
2-2 Umbreon UD with Eevee UD 48/90 (Call for Family)
3 Sneasel UD 68/90 (reprint of banned neo genesis)
2 Uxie LA
1 Shaymin UL (Sky form 8/95 energy trans tech)

TSS (28):

4 Bebe's Search
2 Oak's New Theory
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Interviewer's Questions
4 Energy Exchanger
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 Pokemon Communication
2 Switch
2 Conductive Quarry

Energies (16):
4 {M} Special
5 {M}
4 {D} Special
3 {D}


Setup bench and quick build wall using Eevee and Umbreon against pokebody/power opponents and low cost damage. Meantime setup rampant Sneasel or Scizor tank depending on opponent. Search for and use Shaymin tech when 1 strong attacker about to get KO. Constant metal energy recycling via quarry-No reluctance to pay retreat cost for Scizor.

Currently flows quite well for a deck I have only had and played for just over 3 weeks. Should I change out the Sneasel for something else? Azelf stay? Previously ran 2-2 Houndoom UD and Prime before putting in Sneasel for sneak attack. Any suggestions could help.

Thanks in advance

on a side note: what would be the best possible way for me to counter a mirror deck using 4 Sableye SF instead of Sneasel and one less Scizor replaced by a family of Dodrio for free retreat?
RE: Black-Red dead redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

I would max out the belts and interviewers questions.
your sneasel needs it
RE: Black-Red dead redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

agreed. but the problem is it's soo hard deciding to what to take out for space. plus I don't own many expert belts
RE: Black-Red dead redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

Why not use warp point instead of that switch?

My recommendation:
-1 Bebe's Search
+1 Pokemon Collector
Your deck has a whole lot of basics, (12/17) and you may wish to obtain them at a faster rate...
RE: Black-Red dead redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

^ you have a point about the basic collecting but I've found through playing that Eevee's call for family is handy at grabbing some free retreat Scythers and Sneasel onto the bench but yeah I will try running one more collector if I get my hands on one. Thanks. what i don't get about warp point is it doesn't necessarily work towards your benefit all the time? since your opponent gets to choose which one, it's hard to time it right?
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

updated as per advice. removed azelf and maxed out on expert belts. Moved Azelf to other deck since I only have one but do you guys think I needed it in this deck?
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

1x Azelf should be in nearly every deck (just to answer your question)
It really does help out a lot.
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

I think I'm overlooking something here, but why on earth is the Sneasel particularily good in this deck? To me it appears as a pretty average card...
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

@ATS: 20x Heads for two Dark Energy. If you have a full bench, and two special darks, you can theoretically hit up to 140. I guess it's just an aside.

If you're only running 2 Eevee, why not use the RR one instead? Signs of Evolution will yank out both your Umbreon out of the deck for no energy.
BTS might be good to set up faster. Also, run Dept. Store Girl, possibly ditching the 4th belt to put it in.
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

But the expectancy value remains at a rather sloppy 60 damage, and that is ONLY with a full bench... Of course this wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that you need them energies to be dark... This decreases the chances of a well utilized Scizor:(
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

Too many Expert Belts!!! Your opponent win game if he/she kill 3 belted, so 4 isn't best. Switch 1 for Departament Store Girl.
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

Try adding a 1-1 or 2-2 Dodrio Undaunted. It gives all of your Pokemon free retreat.
RE: Red-Black Redemption Deck. (Masters, Any Tournament)

Pokepower, please do not revive a dead thread.

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