(former) Redshark Users,
As Redshark's creator, I want to apologize for the lack of program updates over the past several months. There have been several factors involved with this delay, but they mainly relate to a major change in my professional job status and minorly due to new & upgraded computer issues.
Anyway...I'm glad to be working on Redshark again...and I plan to release the XY version by the end of April. Currently, due to technical software development challenges, I plan to only release a Windows version, not a Mac platform version. This may change in the future, but for now, that's where things are.
However, before I sink a lot of time into it, I'm trying to figure out if there is any interest or value in Redshark.
If you're not familiar with Redshark, it's a free computer program that allows players to practice and improve their Pokemon TCG skills by creating and playtesting decks. Redshark can be played in a solitaire mode (single or dual decks), or against an opponent over the internet (using Hamachi or similar VPN app) or local computer network.
"Is there any interest in the program?"
"Is it helpful to TCG players?"
"Are cardscans a must?"
Feel free to reply to this post, PM me, or email me at [email protected] .
Thank you very much for your feedback, it's much appreciated.
Mike - mai_kingdra
As Redshark's creator, I want to apologize for the lack of program updates over the past several months. There have been several factors involved with this delay, but they mainly relate to a major change in my professional job status and minorly due to new & upgraded computer issues.
Anyway...I'm glad to be working on Redshark again...and I plan to release the XY version by the end of April. Currently, due to technical software development challenges, I plan to only release a Windows version, not a Mac platform version. This may change in the future, but for now, that's where things are.
However, before I sink a lot of time into it, I'm trying to figure out if there is any interest or value in Redshark.
If you're not familiar with Redshark, it's a free computer program that allows players to practice and improve their Pokemon TCG skills by creating and playtesting decks. Redshark can be played in a solitaire mode (single or dual decks), or against an opponent over the internet (using Hamachi or similar VPN app) or local computer network.
"Is there any interest in the program?"
"Is it helpful to TCG players?"
"Are cardscans a must?"
Feel free to reply to this post, PM me, or email me at [email protected] .
Thank you very much for your feedback, it's much appreciated.
Mike - mai_kingdra