Reflecting on EUIC and Moving Towards Rotation


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Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here, and I am happy to be writing another article for you all! Last time, I talked about Regidrago VSTAR, one of my favorite decks from the last few months, and how I thought it could still succeed in a world dominated by Budew. The Europe International Championships happened not long after I wrote that article, and there was some good news and some bad news for Regidrago VSTAR fans.
The good news was that Regidrago VSTAR had a few strong finishes, with two in the Top 32. While it was only two people, a couple of finishes among over 3,000 players does show some promise for the deck in the future. However, the bad news is that the third-highest-placing Regidrago VSTAR player finished 203rd, a truly unbelievable drop off. In fact, that might be the biggest gap I have ever seen between...

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