
Regirock*. Even though you may never attack with it, doing 100 for three is a very good way to comeback.
Like pretty much everyone said, they are not very good for * pokemon. but since I'm a nice guy, I'll give a comparision for you.

Regice * - The first attack is an effective wall against ex's, otherwise it's useless. Second attack is a bit too situational unless you already sread damage with cards like Raichu d.

Regirock * - First attack doing healing is always nice but 1 damage counter is not the best. 100 damage for three energy is great but it has to be in such a risky situation...

Registeel * - Like Regirock *, defense is nice to have for the first attack. The second attack is great as it can both spread damage, snipe, or do a solid, unblockable 30 damage although a bit overcosted and all this can be do this without your opponent has only 1 Prize card left and Regice * is the only Pokemon you have in play. If you're in that situation, then the attck is still very versitile. Plus, it's metal type which you can attach metal energies to put up even more defense!

Pretty much, IMO, Registeel * wins. :D