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Regigigas (Seniors, Cities)

Fossil Master

Conquerer of Altimar
3-1 Regigigas 2 dragoff 1 gigaton punch
3 mesprit
3-1 Uxie
1 Giratina Let Loose
2 Crobat G
1 Azelf
1 Regice
---------------------------Pokemon: 16---------------------------------
4 Collector
3 Junk Arm
2 Belt
2 warp point
1 Luxury Ball
2 Premier Ball
2 Communication
3 twins
2 black belt
4 Poke Turn
2 Conspiracy
----------------------------------Trainers/Stadium/Supporters: 31------------------
3 fighting
3 water
3 basic metal

Strategy: Just a straight forward regigigas deck, all help appreciated :)
Looks pretty good, but I'd take the 2 Cyrus's Conspiracy out for a 1-1 Abomasnow line to counter Mewtwo, Machamp and Donphan.
I would not recommend Black Belt much, even though it will add extra damage... I would rather play Seeker. Just because you can't depend on being behind prizes all the time.