Regigigas takes 1st! Pembroke Pines Masters Cities Report


We will bury you
The night before i'm out partying with friends till like 3 at night. I had a Gigas built previously which has placed many times, but I wanted to make a few changes. Get home at 4, grab deck, fall asleep with it on my lap, wake up with it spread all over my bed. Cool. Grab my stuff, take a shower, and Jon picks me up for a day to remember, lol jk this is like my 10th win. ANYWAYS, I remove Honchkrow SV bekawz it serves no purpose when I can just run more consistency. I decided to finally run Twins. I ran 2 copies of it. There was 1 Vilegar, 1 Mewperior, 1 Gigas, and a billion Luxchomp. Yay.

Round 1 vs Robert V. (Luxchomp)

So a pretty good matchup. Luxchomp is an interesting match. Every Garchomp C they bench is a free prize basically. The game started and we both had pretty solid starts. I get T3 Gigas while he has a bunch of SP Pokemon. We start exchanging prizes. I keep a tight Psychic Bind to try to avoid getting Bright Looked, and it works. Huge misplay occurs when I expert belt Relicanth SV, and attack Promocroak thinking that it deals 90 damae for the KO (2 tools), but it deals 80. That gives him a bit of a chance to take some prizes. I retreat my 'Canth and start attacking with another 'Gigas, and the game comes down to me taking 2 prizes in overtime. I sacrifice, bat KO Bronzong G, and drag off Luxray with 30 damage for the KO. GG!


Round 2 vs ??? (Gyarados)

He flips Combee. I flip Uxie. Expert Belt, collector for Crobat G, and attach. I'm so good... =|


Round 3 vs Richard F (Charizard)

I flip Uxie. He flips Charmander and candies to Charizard. I draw nothing but energy and recovery cards and he Seeker Donks me. =/


Round 4 vs Tony D (Absol G Toolbox)

I get a T2 Giga Blaster and Seeker donk him. Lame.


Round 5 vs Jon V (Luxchomp)

We play the game out and basically I lose with one turn left to take a prize, I whiff on an expert belt. He scoops to me because he made it anyways.


TOP CUT;I make top cut as #2 seed. I play Gyarados again.

Top 4 vs ??? (Gyarados) ;

Game one I spoonfeed him prizes as I tear through everything. He Twins' the last turn of the game, but it doesn't matter because I show the warp point in hand to seal the game.

Game two is a bit different. I get a horrible start and he goes Aggro Luxray GL X, taking 3 prizes. I Twins to stay in the game. Once I get setup, we start exchanging and I start spreading quite a bit. Eventually, I needc to take two prizes to win. He has an active Belted Luxray GL LV X and I have a Gigas with 4 energy on it, but not the correct ones for Giga Blaster. I need to deal 130 health. I Uxie for 3 and rip a card that I had been struggling to play for awhile; Black Belt. I have a Crobat G in hand, play down Black Belt, and KO Luxray for the win. Boss.


Top 2 vs Jon V (Luxchomp)

Game one:

We both start great and begin to exchange prizes quickly. The action heats up as I take a prize on a Garchomp. He has me in a very tight bind and it is 5-1 prizes him. After one well timed Judge and Abomasnow with a belt spreading for 4 turns straight, he scoops. Game is insane.

Game two; Isn't very exciting. Jon misplays quite a bit, and I catch him pretty dirty with Abomasnow again. I was at a point to take 3 prizes for the game but he scooped. Great games, Jon!


So I win another city! Yay!

Jon, pokebiffs <3
1 Blackbelt, so boss.
Green Day

Ya mom

k bye.
Regigigas takes 1st! Pembroke Pines Masters Cities Report

I knew you were bound to do it eventually because the way you run Gigas is amazing. I dream for the day when I can play Gigas as well as you.
Mad props to you, good sir.

I knew you were bound to do it eventually because the way you run Gigas is amazing. I dream for the day when I can play Gigas as well as you.
Mad props to you, good sir.


GJ on the win DA, I love it when Rouge decks win!!!

I know you don't need it but, Good Luck at States.
Again? With Gigas? Awesome! Gigas must really hate me because I never did well with it, but you did so awesome with it.

Also, lol at 'Zard loss. That's just your one unlucky matchup, isn't it :p