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Regigigas the Unkillable (Regigigas / Bronzong)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Regigigas
    2-2 Bronzong
    2 Mewtwo EX
    2-2 Beartic
    1 Aegislash EX

  • 2 Aspertia City Gym

    2 Battle Compressor
    2 Flare Jamming Net
    1 Startling Megaphone
    3 Hard Charm
    1 Dowsing Machine
    3 Switch
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 VS Seeker

    4 Sycamore
    4 N
    2 Skyla
    3 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Last Resort

  • 8 Metal Energy
    4 DCE

Firstly I will paste the new cards that I want to be using and their attacks-


Regigigas - Colorless - HP130
Basic Pokemon

[C][C][C] Daunt: 80 damage. During your opponent's turn, your opponent's Active Pokemon's attacks do 40 less damage to your Active Pokemon.
[C][C][C][C] Heavy Impact: 100 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4


Bronzong - Metal - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Bronzor

Ability: Metal Chain
Once during your turn, you may choose 1 Metal Energy from your discard pile and attach it to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

[M][M][C] Hammer In: 60 damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3


Aegislash-EX Metal - HP170
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Mighty Shield
Prevent all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks from your opponent's Pokemon that have any Special Energy attached to them.

[C][C][C] Slash Blast: 40+ damage. Does 20 more damage for each [M] Energy attached to this Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3


Battle Compressor - Trainer
Item (Team Flare Gear)

Search your deck for up to 3 cards and discard them. Shuffle your deck afterward.


Jamming Net (Team Flare's Hyper Gear) - Trainer

Pokemon Tool F: Attach a Pokemon Tool F to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon-EX that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it. If that Pokemon is Knocked Out, discard this card.

The Pokemon this card is attached to does 20 less damage to the Defending Pokemon.

If this card becomes detached, this card is discarded to the original player's discard pile.


Lysandre's Last Resort – Trainer

Both player shuffle all cards from their discard pile back into their deck (excluding any Lysandre's Last Resort).


Basically the strategy here is: set up regigigas who has a ton of hp and damage reduction, and just rely on your opponent not being able to break through it once it gets going. Even the common fighting types are going to get a shock if regigigas gets set up. With the damage reduction from daunt, a hard charm and a flare jammer on the opponent, regigigas is looking at 80 damage reduction. And with aspertia city gym in play, it is a 150 hp basic pokemon. So that means it has an equivalent of 230 hp from the first hit.

If you look at a common fighting attack- landorus' hammerhead with a strong energy and flare jammer attached, he is dealing 0 damage to regigias after weakness and resistance. A lucario EX's somersault kick with a strong energy attached + a jammer will total 140 damage against regigigas, which wont be a knockout. And these are attacks which he is weak to.. he will eat other attacks for breakfast. vs a mewtwo ex with 3 energy on it (with 3 energy on himself also), and a jammer, he is taking 40 damage, which will be a 4hko. So once regigas gets set up with 3 energy on himself, he is basically a real problem to take down.

Bronzong is in this deck because he can allow regigigas a 1 turn setup. He also can keep energy recycling and power up any of the other attackers in this deck.
Beartic and Mewtwo EX are in this deck because they are both great with DCE, and can get a revenge ko on things that can actually ohko Regigigas, which are usually just fighting types. Beartic also offers something against Pyroar.
I am also including 1 aegislash EX in this deck. It works well with bronzong, and can act as another answer to fighting type decks which will be making full use of strong energy, as well as any other deck which uses DCE (most decks).
As I am using DCE, I'm running 2 of the new supporter Lysandre's Last Resort because it seems like a great way to reuse DCE (basically one of the only ways). I don't want to save this until the very end, because I mainly am just using it for getting special energy back into the deck. Its probably best to burn as many cards as possible at the start and then use lysandre's last resort when your opponent has a very small discard. It can be dangerous to recycle something like an opponent's g-booster back into the deck too. I can also use this card forever, because dowsing machine can grab it, and then Lysandre's Last Resort brings back dowsing machine. That means that I can spread the deck further, due to being able to reuse everything forever.
I'm also running 2 battle compressors with this, because I don't need to worry too much about losing important cards when everything in the deck can be recycled repeatedly. That means I can put metal energy in the discard for bronzong to grab with its ability, as well as move unwanted cards to the discard in order to filter out the deck to draw better things.
Lysandre's Last Resort also stops a few decks that rely on things on the discard like Flareon, as well as mill decks. although these arent majorly popular. The main plus about it is the DCE recycle.

There's not really much else that I think needs explaining. I think the deck seems fun and maybe has some strength... but I would like to hear your opinions on it :)
RE: Regigigas the Unkillable (Regigigas and techs)

After seeing this deck, I think Regigigas could be really good. Kyle Sukevich himself has said that he thinks Machamp from Furious Fists has a great attack, but doesn't think it's very playable because it's a stage 2 that requires 3 colored Energy cards.

You won't need more than 1 Lysandre's Last Resort. Instead, use that slot for VS Seeker, since it can pull back any Supporter, including Last Resort. That way, you can use Last Resort to pull all your discarded cards back into your deck, draw a VS seeker, pull out Last Resort, use it again, VS Seeker goes back to the deck, rinse repeat. Also, you can always just use VS Seeker to pull out, say, Skyla.
Could you please include scans / text of cards not released in the current format? Thanks!
Ah! Sorry I will include the scans of the new cards :) The VS seeker sounds good, I will think about replacing the lysandre's last resort with it.
Honestly lysandres last resort wouldn't be fantastic. Especially in this deck
I would consider replacing them with aspertia city gym

LLR shuffles in enrgy that you would want in the discard.
Could you perhaps say why? It seems like it would be a good addition, after all I'm only using 1 and the majority of my pokemon are not EXs, so ideally I could find use for 6 dces in the game but only have access to 4, having a lysandre's last resort means i can have access to 6 or more, as new cards are in the format for energy disruption.
The post was made after you dropped it from 2 to 1. I think that if you are a deck that has a lot of necessary resources then it is a good inclusion like in Donphan/Flygon/Dusknoir or Pyroar(It has a problem with Discarding a lot in most builds). If you are in a deck that doesn't discard a lot then it is a pointless inclusion.
I guess I will just have to disagree with this sentiment then. Especially as a 1 card deal it has a huge impact as a single inclusion even as just an option, since it prevents milling out, acts as a way to retrieve all your energy in case something goes wrong, gets back cards lost by battle compactor or discards from ultra ball, sycamore, dowsing machine etc etc, completely prevents mill decks from working, beats flareon decks or decks that operate off discards (drifblim techs also), can retrieve double colorless energy, retrieve ace specs.. probably countless other things. I will playtest this card before I consider removing it because it just seems too good as a single card inclusion to pass up