• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Electric Garden Girl

Aspiring Trainer

3x Klink
1x Klang
3x Klinklang (Shift Gear)
4x Registeel EX
1x Terrakion
2x Mewtwo EX


4x N
2x Bianca
4x Max Potion
4x Eviolite
4x Heavy Ball
3x Rare Candy
1x Super Rob
4x Switch
4x Pokemon Catcher


4x Metal Energy
4x Blend Energy
4x Prism Energy

Main attacker is Registeel with a Eviolite on it and im just trying to tank as much as possible Klinklang is there to move your energy around to like Mewtwo EX or Terrakion

:D I <3 Regi{M}

2xZekrom EX

1xEnergy Search
1xMax Potion
2xSuper Rod
3xRare Candy
2xRandom Receiver
3xPokemon Catcher
3xPokemon Communication
1xUltra Ball
4xLevel Ball


Any ideas or sugestions?

Get eelz on the bench and a empoleon so you can discard energy to dig and accelorate into zekrom EX's

{L} {G} Forever :D
RE: Eelz/Empoleon

Please update the main post of this thread with this decks strategy in the next 3 days. Thanks! :]

~ [mod]Nigel[/mod]
RE: Eelz/Empoleon

An interesting medium for discarding energy. You could probably get energy into the discard quicker with Ultra Ball and Juniper. Juniper is pretty much a "four of" in this format anyways. I'm hesitant to sugesting taking out on of your main Pokemon lines, so I'll put it this way: I wouldn't run Emopleon. I'd take out Empoleon and the Rare Candies (that's eight slots). and I'd add 4 Juniper and 3 Ultra Ball.

-2 {W}
+1 Eviolite

If you chose not run the Empoleon.
RE: Eelz/Empoleon

Mora said:
An interesting medium for discarding energy. You could probably get energy into the discard quicker with Ultra Ball and Juniper. Juniper is pretty much a "four of" in this format anyways. I'm hesitant to sugesting taking out on of your main Pokemon lines, so I'll put it this way: I wouldn't run Emopleon. I'd take out Empoleon and the Rare Candies (that's eight slots). and I'd add 4 Juniper and 3 Ultra Ball.

-2 {W}
+1 Eviolite

If you chose not run the Empoleon.

Thanks Im just trying to find a good deck for after rotation and i want to keep playing some sort of Eelz
RE: Eelz/Empoleon

Zeel is still going to pretty good after rotation. In fact, that's what I'm probably going to play this format. I finally have everything except... The Eels... Not sure how those elluded me...
RE: Eelz/Empoleon

Mora said:
Zeel is still going to pretty good after rotation. In fact, that's what I'm probably going to play this format. I finally have everything except... The Eels... Not sure how those elluded me...

Btw im playing the empoleon over junipers because i dont like junipers right now with out junk arm i may drop the empoleons for something else but i just really dont want to run junipers at this time oh and btw you should check out my threat about a 40 card format that is really huge in my area heres a link
RE: Eelz/Empoleon

In BW-on, any good deck needs 4 Junipers and 4 N since they are the only decent draw supporters (well there's Bianca, too, but it's not as good since it doesn't always work).

Currently, your supporter line looks like:
2x N
2x Random Receiver
4x Bianca

A good supporter line in the BW-on format looks like:
4x N
4x Professor Juniper
2x Bianca
2+ Random Receiver​

Professor Juniper is good because it gets energies in the discard faster for you to Dynamotor. If you have some valuable cards in your hand such as Catcher when you have a Juniper, luckily you can either play N or Bianca instead (or just Random Receiver and hope for the best). This might seem a little risky, but it's much better than the supporter line you have. This is because with so little supporters, you could get into a supporter drought, which could possibly lose you the game. Heck, for a while I was testing with 4 Junipers, 4 N's, and 3 Random Receivers in my Eels list and even then I would run into supporter droughts. This line would prevent you from not having one in your hand, thus making your deck a lot more consistent. In order to spice up your supporter line, I would do:

-2 Empoleon
-2 Bianca
-2 Prinplup

+2 N
+4 Professor Juniper

Right now, I'm starting to take out the Empoleon line. It doesn't fit very well into an Eels list, and Empoleon is a completely different deck. If you still don't agree with me and decide to run it, then make sure to play more Max Potions, since Empoleon's attack only costs one energy which means that you can just attach another and continue to steamroll.

Continuing on with your list, I see you only play 3 Catchers. Remember that since there is no Junk Arm in BW-on, that 4 Catchers is a must (unless of course, you're playing a Darkrai varient, in which case you can play 3 because of Sableye). Also, Pokemon Communication isn't needed anymore since we are getting rid of the Empoleon line, and you can use that space to add additional Ultra Balls which will make your deck even more consistent than Comms would.. Ultra Ball is a great card in Eels because it is the safest way to get energies in the discard so you can Dynamotor them back up. A cool thing to do with Ultra Ball is play it to get another Eel, so you can Dynamotor the energies back immediately. From these explanations I'd make these changes:

-3 Pokemon Communication (see above)
-3 Rare Candy (Not needed anymore because Empoleon is out)
-2 Piplup (getting rid of the rest of the Empoleon line)
-1 Energy Search (I played Eels/Terrakion at Nationals and had no energy drought)

+1 Pokemon Catcher (Remember, no Junk Arm, so 4 is a must)
+1 Eviolite (See next paragraph)
+2 Ultra Ball (To get lightnings discarded faster and a quicker set up)
+1 Switch (Can really help if they Catcher up your Eels, which they will do)
+1 Max Potion (Great for healing Zekroms in coordination with Switch)
+3 Plus Power (Allows non-ex Zekroms (which we will add) to OHKO Terrakions and Terrakion to OHKO Eviolited Darkrai)​

Now, the main strategy of main Zekrom Eelektrik lists is to go aggro Eviolited Zekrom most of the time to 2HKO anything in the game. I saw you didn't play any Zekroms at all and only one Eviolite. Since your choice is Zekrom-EX and you only play one Eviolite, that leaves you very vulnerable to Terrakion OHKOs. For this reason, I'd suggest playing less Zekrom-EX's and more Zekroms- Zekrom BW is better because of both of its attacks, its ability to abuse eviolite, and it only gives up one prize.

Continuing on with your Pokemon lines, I'd suggest taking out one Eelektrik (since you play 2 Super Rods). Also, take out one Eelektross, since it's really not needed in a format without Vileplume. In the place of those, I'd suggest adding in 2 Mewtwo-EX's. Mewtwo-EX is a great surprise late-game sweeper, and it can also win you Mewtwo wars (yes, Mewtwo is still going to be played in the BW-on format, believe it or not, thanks to it winning nationals). It's ability to power up with every Dynamotor is awesome, and it can easily 2HKO anything. If you play Mewtwo, just make sure not to drop it in the Darkrai/Hydra matchup because then they will either 2HKO you with Darkrai, or bring up Sigilyph and hit you for weakness. Finally, take out one Thundurus and add one Terrakion. This way, you can make sure to hit revenge kills more easily. In the approach I'm taking, you are going to want to start with Zekrom instead of Thundurus. This way, you can take damage to start powering up an Outrage.

From both of the above paragraphs, here are the changes I'd make:​

-1 Eelektrik
-1 Eelektross
-2 Zekrom-EX
-1 Thundurus

+2 Mewtwo-EX
+2 Zekrom
+1 Terrakion​

Also, you're going to want to take out 2 water energies and add 2 fighting energies since you don't play Empoleon anymore. This is also good so that you can hit Retaliates more on Terrakion.

From every change I've made in this post, your finalized deck should look like:

4-3 Eelektrik
2 Zekrom BW
2 Mewtwo-EX
2 Terrakion NV

3 Switch
2 Eviolite
3 Ultra Ball
2 Max Potion
3 PlusPower
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Super Rod
4 Level Ball
4 N
4 Professor Juniper
2 Bianca
2 Random Receiver

8 Lightning Energy
4 Fighting Energy​

Hope I helped! :]
Mudkip711 said:
Is this supposed to be BW-on?

Yes it's black white on and it's not a full list cuz I'm looking for help with what I should play and what the best klinklang line is I know klinklang (shift gear) is the best klinklang but need some help with the rest
Electric Garden Girl said:
Yes it's black white on and it's not a full list cuz I'm looking for help with what I should play and what the best klinklang line is I know klinklang (shift gear) is the best klinklang but need some help with the rest

I think a 3-1-3 with 3 Candies should be sufficient. You probably won't want Terrakion or Mewtwo if this deck is like Klingklang EX, because they're easy to OHKO, and you lose all of your energies.

-1 Klink
-1 Klingklang
-1 Registeel: 3 EX's * 2 prize cards = 6. You won't miss one copy of Registeel.
-1 Terrakion
-2 Mewtwo
-2 Pokecenter: Outclassed by Max Potion.
-4 Switch: Darkrai.
-4 Revive: Since you're tanking with 180 HP Pokemon, you won't need to get any Basics out of the discard.

+2 Groudon EX: covers {F} like Terrakion.
+1-2 Darkrai: Replaces Switch
+3 Max Potion: Move enegies off, Max Potion, move energies back on.
+4 Juniper: You forgot Supporters.
+4 N
If this is BW-On then you won't be able to play Rainbow Energy or Special {M}. You can still play Prism Energy and you'll also be able to use Blend Energy {W}{L}{F}{M} but you'll need to put in four Basic {M} to make up for the absence of the Special version.
bagleopard said:
If this is BW-On then you won't be able to play Rainbow Energy or Special {M}. You can still play Prism Energy and you'll also be able to use Blend Energy {W}{L}{F}{M} but you'll need to put in four Basic {M} to make up for the absence of the Special version.

Oh yeah... Do you think we'll get a reprint of Special {M} soon? It seemed like those were cards like Switch and Super Scoop Up.
Nice deck:cool:. Since special metal & rainbow energy cannot be played in BW on, i suggest using either prism or blend {W}{L}{F}{M}. blend will be perfect in klinklang decks because it provides the ex's klinklang runs with the exact energy they need to attack.
otherwise great deck but i would say
-1 klang
-1 klinklang
-2 registeel ex[3 ex's knocked out and you've lost]
-1 terrakion [groudon ex is a greater counter to lightning and fighting]
-2 pokemon center, max potion works better in this case where you can move energys around
-sp metal &rainbow all of them.
-4 revive
-4 switch
add in:
2x Darkrai EX makes up for switch
4x juniper [you forgot supporters]
4x N
1x Groudon EX
1x Kyurem EX/non ex [your choice. Non EX kyurem good for spreading damage, EX Kyurem good for messing up your opponents setup]
x4 blend energy {W}{L}{F}{M}
x4 blend energy {D}{P}{R}{G}
overall nice deck:D

the {DRG} are coming**tune of bed intruder plays**
Mora said:
Oh yeah... Do you think we'll get a reprint of Special {M} soon? It seemed like those were cards like Switch and Super Scoop Up.

Well they seem like staple energy but we might not get em cuz that means registeel would reduce 80 damage from attacks but we might see em idk :( just sad cuz I messes up my whole deck idea
You can still resist 40, meaning 220 damage to knock you out. The only thing capable of that is Reshiram with the Weakness. Back to the deck in general, you could add DCE so you can start attacking a turn early.
ok so i think i fixed this deck enough now so that its atleast BW-on but still sad theres no Sp Metal but anyways i still kinda like this new list i think i might try and work in a Kyurem (non EX) some where cuz i like Registeels first attack and being able to spread out 30 among 3 pokemon but yeah i want to main idea to be tank tank tank heal heal heal and spread damage

Thanks to all helping -^_^-{L} {G} {M}