• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Relatively New Player (Pyroar / Furfrou / Cinccinno)


Aspiring Trainer
I've played in 3 prereleases but enver any competition. I know the basics and how a lot of Tier 1 decks are made and such, I have a deck I would like any kind of advice on. I made it myself but I notice that sometimes it's a bit slow or I lack the ability to do a ton of damage in one turn. I only play with two guys but they play a lot at shops and I wish to start going with them to play more. Here's my deck at the moment. Here's my deck at the moment.


  • x2 Furfrou -XY 114/146
    x3 Litleo -FlashFire 19/106
    x2 Pyroar -FlashFire 20/106
    x2 Minccino -Legendary Treasures 104/113
    x2 Cinccino Legendary Treasures RC19/RC25

  • x2 Professor Sycamore
    x2 Colress
    x2 Blacksmith
    x2 Pokemon Fan Club
    x2 Professor's Letter
    x2 Startling Megaphone
    x3 Evosoda
    x2 Energy Search
    x1 Fiery Torch
    x3 Hard Charm
    x4 Muscle Band
    x3 Great Ball
    x1 Ultra Ball
    x1 Energy Switch
    x3 Energy Retrieval
    x2 Aspertia City Gym

  • x8 Fire
    x3 Double Colorless Energy

I use all pokemon that rely on abilities so Garbodor is a huge Fudge Ubermeister to my deck, which is why I think I need 4 megaphones. There's a lot I would like to do my next paycheck so before I make any rash decisions I would greatly appreciate any feedback I can get.

Edited to coincide with the rules! Let's try to avoid some coarse language in the future, yes? Kidlings do browse this forum, too! ;) ~Kecleon
2 megaphone and a dowsing machine should be fine,I recommend you thicken up your supporter lines , aswell as switching around your great and ultra ball counts
Ekans is epic said:
2 megaphone and a dowsing machine should be fine,I recommend you thicken up your supporter lines , aswell as switching around your great and ultra ball counts

Thanks for the advice. I'm assuming by thicken up my supporter line you mean to add more. I was thinking of switching the x2 Colress with x2 N.