GSC Remember the good old games?


Dragon Tamer
i know that this could date me, but what with the remakes of gold and silver being out now, it makes me remember the good old original pokemon games on their original platforms.

i started out with pokemon red and a dark blue game boy, not a game boy color, those were to come out in the next year or so. when i started out, i had no idea what i was doing! haha i only had two pokemon: charmander and the magikcarp that you bought from that guy in the pokemon center.
the one thing that i remember the most was how i would play my games on the bus, and then save and later turn my game back on and i would have lost my save record some how! to this very day i still dont know what happened! but then yellow came out and around then the game boy color and i could finally save my game hahaha. then the rumors of the next gen started to spread, along with the "god pokemon" aka. pikablew, vinastois, and the others (which the anime series only further provoked with the gastly episode and the gastly HAD a vinastoise or something hahaha)

then gold and silver came out and every one thought that maril was pikablew, and i thought it was so awesome that i had one hahaha. i got gold, and it was the first pokemon game that i was able to complete! except i was still making that rookie mistake of only training your starter, so my typhlosion was at lv. 80 or something, and then my next strongest that wasnt a legendary was at level 20 or something haha.

this thread is not just for those who remember the originals, but also for the tales of your first experience with the pokemon games :)
I got yellow (my first pokemon game and first game ever) when I was five for Christmas. I remember not knowing about the start menu, and thusly saving, and always being told by my parents to quit near the end of the viridian forest.
haha i too didnt know about the start menu at first, i came across it completer by accident one day.

haha and on a different note, remember when they came out with that printer thing for the gameboy that you used with gold/silver/crystal to print out pics of your pokemon? haha i remember wanting that thing. and the link cables! hahaha i had finally gotten right when the wireless adapters came out.
theatrebabe said:
except i was still making that rookie mistake of only training your starter, so my typhlosion was at lv. 80 or something, and then my next strongest that wasnt a legendary was at level 20 or something haha.

How is that a rookie mistake?

Anyway, I started by playing Gold, though I could never find Mr. Pokémon. I then went back to Red, where I beat the game, used a Master Ball on Articuno, caught Mewtwo in an Ultra Ball, and encountered Missingno a few times.

These games were on lend from my cousin, who later traded me Red for Gold. (By trade, I meant she took back Red and lent me Gold.) I couldn't function right with only Cyndaquil, so one day I tried catching a different Pokémon. This happened to be Spearow, who was leveled via Sprout Tower and was my highest levelled Pokémon. By Vermillion, the electricity was too shocking for poor Fearow, so I cloned it a few times, where it became a triple threat, so to speak.

Ruby and Sapphire came out a couple years later, though I hardly knew about it. I didn't even know what a Game Boy Advance was. One day, I found someone who had both. Somehow, I convinced him to give me Sapphire, though I had at first wanted Ruby. (I'm glad it was Sapphire now. Kyogre was awesome against the E4.)

A year later, FireRed and LeafGreen came out, where I played it a few times. A friend had LeafGreen for a little while before getting FireRed. Again, I somehow convinced another person to give me an "old" LeafGreen and Wireless Adapter. I can remember when I beat level... 75 I think Blastoise at a grocery store. I think Lapras's Perish Song did the job.

Emerald came out, and I had pre-ordered it. (I still have the tin and tin wrapper, though I think I lost the Frontier Pass. :/) I got it a few days after it came out, where I proceeded to lose it a few months later. My birthday comes along, I get some money and buy a new one.

Sometime before Diamond and Pearl, I tragically lost LeafGreen. Another friend lent FireRed to... another friend. Friend #1 was never seen again a few months later, so Friend #2 gave me FireRed to give to him. I have since offically claimed this as mine.

Platinum comes out, and I was the third one in Toys R Us to get one. I found my first shiny in this game, a Yanma. Sadly, this was in the Great Marsh and it ran away.

To this day, I think LeafGreen and Emerald #1 were not lost, rather stolen by a friend, who later lost Emerald. He probably still has LeafGreen, with it's insane play time. (End of pointless and bore inducing rant and rave about the old games.)
Haha, I remember my first game. Gold. That's probably the whole reason I went and preordered HG =P

My mom was going on a trip with my dad (to a funeral in the Dominican Republic), so they left me with my grandparents. As a gift for behaving for about a week without them, my mom got my Gold. I played it for hours and hours on end. Then, when I had the chance, I bought Silver. And then for one b-day, I bought Crystal and the guidebook =P

Then, about a month after Ruby/Sapphire came out, on a rainy day (Ironically enough, lol), I went out and made my mom buy me Ruby. I was so amazed with the new Pokemon that I played that game straight for about 2 months. Then, Emerald came out, and my friend got two, one from his brother, one from his friend (both for his b-day). He gave me a copy so that I could play the "modern" version with him, and then we switched schools. I kept it so that I would remember the solid he did for me when he gave it to me.

Then, when LG/FR came out, everyone around where I lived was getting FireRed, all cause it had Charizard on the cover. I wasn't about to fall in with this wave of FireRed, so I went out and got Leafgreen. It was arguably the best Pokemon game I ever owned. And then, one tragic day, it somehow slipped out of my gameboy, and I lost it in the middle of New York >.< (This is the one and only time I actually cried over a game). I was given an old copy of FireRed, and I tried to remake it by using the same exact Pokemon, naming myself the same name, etc. It didn't fill the void, but it helped. At this point, I started playing Emerald ALOT more, and I even went around beating people I knew who had Pokemon games =P

Then, Peal/Diamond was released. I made a deal with my cousin that if he bought Diamond, I'd buy Pearl. Then, he ended up giving me Diamond, since he didn't have a DS (still haven't bothered to beat it, lol, and it's been months since I've got it). Then Platinum came out, and I didn't get it, for I had no cash.

Now, HG/SS are released, and as soon as I heard the news, I preordered HG. And now, my lil' bro asked my mom to get SS for him so we can play together. The legacy of Pokemon loving shall continue to reign in this small part of NYC =P

And I so remember the rumors of Pikablew, I miss silly rumors like that =P
Ahh, I remember my first game. It was Yellow version. I loved that Pikachu! But eventually I didn't use it as much. I still remember a few pokemon from my first team.. Pikachu, Pidgeot, and Nidoqueen is what I remember, and Nidoqueen had surf. It was amazing.. I thought I was the best when I beat the pokemon league!
hahaha Leaf green seems to disappear often! i too originally had leaf green because it was a different color than the original State's games, i had the greatest team on it...until my family moved and i never saw it again :( haha i remember that awesome dance that pikachu did in yellow, i would just stand in a spot and watch it dance when ever i was bored lol
I remember the Pikachu jumping up and down when you walked to it. when it loves you, that is!
My first game was Gold version (even though it could have been red or blue).
I made an unstoppable kadabra, but he was the only pokemon that I would ever use. haha By the time I made it to Red for the first time, My kadabra was at lvl. 97 and everyone else were still in their thirties. lol since he could learn the different punches, he was unstoppable, since they made fire, ice, and electric attacks all special attacks. Then had him have psybeam instead of psychic, because "it looked cooler"
I remember when my Mom bought me this Game Boy Color+Pokemon Crystal package and I couldn't figure out how to get out of the first room. I probably spent about two hours in there. XD Then I wanted my Dad to buy me Ruby/Sapphire and he bought Ruby IIRC but a few years later I lost that copy, so I had to buy a Used copy from Game Crazy. Then I bought Leafgreen/Firered and I lost my first copy of Leafgreen at School so I had to buy a New copy of that. I then bought Emerald and had a lot of hours on it and I had it in my games pile about a few months ago but just a week ago I couldn't find it, so I had to buy a Used copy for $30 at Gamestop. I bought D/P/PL and HG/SS (knock on wood) and haven't lost those even though they're the smallest.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
I remember when my Mom bought me this Game Boy Color+Pokemon Crystal package and I couldn't figure out how to get out of the first room. I probably spent about two hours in there. XD Then I wanted my Dad to buy me Ruby/Sapphire and he bought Ruby IIRC but a few years later I lost that copy, so I had to buy a Used copy from Game Crazy. Then I bought Leafgreen/Firered and I lost my first copy of Leafgreen at School so I had to buy a New copy of that. I then bought Emerald and had a lot of hours on it and I had it in my games pile about a few months ago but just a week ago I couldn't find it, so I had to buy a Used copy for $30 at Gamestop. I bought D/P/PL and HG/SS (knock on wood) and haven't lost those even though they're the smallest.

dmaster out.
Finally, another person who couldn't figure out how to get out of the first room in Gold! Those stairs looked a lot like window blinds to me. Anyway, after I figured that out, I played the first hour of Gold over and over again, not knowing how to save. I remember saying "How are you supposed to get 8 badges in 4 hours or something like that. (We used batteries back in the day lol) Anyway, I figured it out, and I screwed up the clock so it was AM instead of PM and killed Ho-oh and Entei. Then I got blue used and it was all hacked up with loads of LV 144 Mewtwos. I was unstoppable >:D. I remember Gen 3 the most though due to the fact that was when all of my friends got into Pokemon too and we really started to play together. I was at 199 in the Pokedex in Ruby then let one kid play it and he deleted my save file :mad:. He was actually kinda famous, his family starred in a recent movie with Harrison Ford about a dad who's kids had Pompe's disease. He was the healthy one. Anyway, those are some of my stories, could go on and on but I choose not to. (Also Hypno in FireRed made me lol)
That^ makes me remember something funny too. I never learned how to save, so when I wanted to save to eat, I couldn't so I started crying trying to learn. XD I eventually had to shut it off and save on a new file. :F

dmaster out.
My first Pokemon game was Diamond. I knew about Pokemon since I was small, but I didn't get a Gameboy Advance until 6 or 7 years old. I didn't buy Pokemon games for it, because when I looked online they had cost a lot and didn't know much about how to play them. Then 2 years ago I got Diamond as my first Pokemon game and played for hours and hours. Now I have both HeartGold and SoulSilver
When I was like 5 (I'm not sure), I got a Game Boy Color (Aqua) and Pokemon Red for Christmas. I would sit there playing that game for hours. Then when G/S/C came out, I played them more than Red. I remember when I finally got past Lance in Crystal after I found it searching in my room. I was so happy.

Then when R/S/E came around I drifted off a little bit, those game were the poorest out of the Generations, IMO. But they brought themselves up a couple of notches when D/P/Pt came out with the Pal Park feature, allowing me to transfer a lot of my Pokemon from those games.

D/P/Pt kept me interested until the Battle Frontier. There's really nothing to do except to try to "catch 'em all". I didn't really care for the Battle Frontier and I rarely went there.

Then when HG/SS came out, I saved all my money from Christmas to get Soul Silver. I've been hooked on playing Soul Silver because I remember all I played was Crystal when I was younger. And with the GB Sounds, I can listen to G/S/C sounds on my Soul Silver game. ^_^
My 1st Pokémon game was Emerald. Then I got Crystal. Then FireRed. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team. Pokémon Blue. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time. Pokémon Pearl. Pokémon Sapphire. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. Pokémon HeartGold.

Most of these are hand-me-downs from my older cousin.
Girls do play Pokémon, example right here!