Repeat Ball vs Ultra Ball


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Repeat Ball vs Ultra Ball
Which one is better? Should I, or anyone else, choose one over the other? Why? Should I split my typical ultra/repeat ball line?
It'd be great to discuss the compatibility of the two items for decks like Big Basics compared to decks that have a huge evolution count, as well.
In a deck like big basics or a tool box type deck I think ultra ball is better because there are often only one of a certain pokemon in the deck. In other decks i think that repeat ball is a good play. In a deck like yveltal you are likely to be searching for another yveltal EX so repeat ball is good so you dont have to discard cards. Ultra ball is better setting up early game and repeat ball is better for late game when you already have many of your pokemon on your bench. They are both good. I would consider spliting counts in most decks.
I think Ultra Ball is the better card. Repeat Ball just isn't consistent enough to run in every deck. Ultra Ball is great for almost any deck, as it can always search out Pokemon if you really need them. Late game it's even great for thinning out dead cards from your deck, or getting Jirachi to get whatever Supporter you need to finish the game off. The discard effect really isn't that big of an issue for decks, and it can even be helpful for Energy recycle decks, such as Yveltal or M Manectric.

Repeat Ball just isn't great in a lot of situations. Turn 1-2 it can be bad if you don't get a good starter, late game it's not great, because you usually don't need Pokemon then. It's really only the mid game that it's super useful, and even then it can be a bit clunky. I think Repeat Ball works best in decks like Bronzong that need several of the same Evolution in play to function, and even then I'd probably play a higher Ultra Ball count.

I don't think there will ever be a Pokemon search card as good as Ultra Ball; it's incredibly versatile and easy to fit into any deck. Repeat Ball just has too many inconsistencies holding it back.
I think Repeat Ball is better in deck with very few different pokemon.
Aside from that, Ultra Ball is better. However, it may still be good to have 1 or 2 in most decks.
I don't think Repeat Ball is any good. The search is too limited for me. What if I want to search out a one-of? What if I want a Jirachi? What if I'm still setting up? I'd rather discard the two cards. That's not too big of a deal anyways.
A lot of the points I see is related to searching one-offs. What about in decks that run 3-4 of every Pokemon? Should they run Repeat Balls or Ultra Balls?
bbninjas said:
A lot of the points I see is related to searching one-offs. What about in decks that run 3-4 of every Pokemon? Should they run Repeat Balls or Ultra Balls?

Ultra... Repeat isn't consistent nor does it get you Pokemon when you need them. You need Pokemon early and thus Repeat Ball doesn't fulfill that condition.
I think I agree with the general consensus that Ultra Ball is both more versatile and consistent.

The only potential niche use that I've found for Repeat Ball is in Fighting decks (particularly those that have evolutions). Imagine playing a Korrina, getting your Machop/Medite/Phanpy and also a Repeat Ball, and doubling down to either setup nicely early, or recover after those glass cannons (Medicham/Hawlucha) start getting picked off.
Repeat and Ultra Ball have different uses. Or rather, Repeat Ball is useful in certain decks, but as a supplement to Ultra Ball, not a replacement. It's good in decks focused on one particular strategy, as they should be running high counts of the featured Pokemon. Donphan is a great example, as you want to set up multiple Phanpy/ Donphan as quickly as possible. A Repeat Ball or two will let you search them out without discarding things from your hand that you will likely not be getting back. However, it doesn't provide the same versatility as Ultra Ball, so you should be running both. I'd reccomend no more than 1-2 Repeat Balls. Combined with Korrina, this will allow you to set up multiple Donphan fairly quickly. Metal is another example, since your setup requires 2-3 Bronzong in play as quickly as possible. VirGen could possibly make use of it as a one-of, to set up a second Genesect. However in this case you could also consider single Plasma Ball instead (as i do in my list), as it will net Deoxys, and doesn't require a Genesect to already be in play.
I personally run 1 Repeat Ball alongside a usual 3-4 line of Ultra Ball in each of my decks that make use of at least 4 of the same species. This is especially helpful with things like Crobat.
Repeat Ball does seem somewhat useful in Donphan. I can't tell you how many times I've Korrina'd for Phanpy + Ultra Ball to go get another phanpy, in case of lysandre/red signal/whatever. Repeat Ball lets me have the same effect without burning resources, damage output, or energy cards. However, Repeat Ball probably won't ever be able to search for Outragers/Sigilyph/Wobbuffet, so I do still think you need both Repeat + Ultra.

I can't see it getting use in much else though. Decks like Yveltal and Bronzong appreciate having energy in the discard, and there's no guarantee in any deck that you'll draw into the attacker you want to search for. Not to mention that it can't get 1-ofs like Jirachi.
I really only think that repeat ball is good in decks that run 4-of of ultra ball. Like a Bats deck, where you probably have either a zubat/golbat/crobat in play already.
In Donphan and Yveltal, I honestly wouldn't run it. There are many situations where I need to search for a donphan/Yveltal/1-of bench sitters where ultra ball is much more effective.
Elbow said:
I really only think that repeat ball is good in decks that run 4-of of ultra ball. Like a Bats deck, where you probably have either a zubat/golbat/crobat in play already.
In Donphan and Yveltal, I honestly wouldn't run it. There are many situations where I need to search for a donphan/Yveltal/1-of bench sitters where ultra ball is much more effective.

I was debating on getting a playset of these, but if what you said is true, then I won't even bother. That's a shame.. I really wished they would release another playable Search Card as an Item.
I see Mono-Fighting having uses of this...

2 Machop on bench, Korrina for Champ/Candy (presuming you have one on hand), RC for Machamp, Repeat Ball for second Machamp, repeat. That's the only use I can see out of it at the moment, though...
It suffers the same way evosoda. Its pretty good in that its cheaper than an ultra ball. The only problem is that its more situational, and thus having a chance to use it is less likely than an ultraball.

Basically its the 5 ball search for big basic decks. While evosoda is probably better for decks with 1st steps.
I use two Ultra Balls, and one Repeat Ball in my Mega Gardevoir deck. I've noticed that repeat ball is very useful late game. obviously ultra ball is better at any time, but repeat ball has really really helped me out. i love it.