Reprints in the Next Set

I would want to see PRIMEs return to Expanded/Standard.

Could you explain why?

Pokémon Prime where a rarity in the HeartGold/SoulSilver sets, as opposed to an actual TCG mechanic. Some of us think they were being used to bridge the power gap between what we had in the Platinum sets and what we would be seeing in the Black & White sets.
I didn't play in a Prime format but I would like there to be an another evolution based format with a mechanic similar to Primes so we don't have another Night March-based format.
I didn't play in a Prime format but I would like there to be an another evolution based format with a mechanic similar to Primes so we don't have another Night March-based format.

If you would like Evolutions to be more useful, I recommend expressing an interest in a format where all fully Evolved Pokémon are balanced against each other (regardless of actual Stage), with lower Stages being made useful so that the burden of being run isn't solely on the final Stage, and perhaps most important, proper pacing of the game.

Night March is very strong right now, but some of that might simply be because other than Shaymin-EX (ROS) it is an expensive deck. I think it wins so much because it is played so often, otherwise frankly I have an easier time against it than I do the top Item locking strategies, or when we get a deck that hits just as hard but sets up attackers that aren't easy OHKOs. Night March is a deck where Evolving Basics actually have a purpose, sometimes as Bench-sitters to be copies but often as main attackers. Still if there is a problem it comes from the most of the competitive field; so many decks can hit hard and fast, far faster then they ought to, which throws balance out the window as you have to try to make a Stage 2 as fast as a Basic. For the record they have made some Stage 2s about as fast as Basics, and have done so in the past with cards like Broken Time-Space. It did not make things balanced. We need the pace to slow down so that Evolutions have time to Evolve, I think.
It will be pretty nice when NM gets chucked (if that will even happen) as well as cards like Blacksmith making every other element useless for pushing energy and powerful mons. I want it to go back to the grit of evolving pokes to overpower your opponent or risk using EXs where your opponent may have an easy counter.

Though, no matter what this TCG does, people will always gravitate to the most broken strat in order to score easy wins, as if that is actually fun.
I've collected cards since about the Rising Rivals set, and know that there are some good cards out there that would really mess with the metagame today. So the question is, what cards would you all like to see reprinted from the old sets (Anything rotated out of Expanded)? What cards out there do you think would mesh well with the cards in the distant past that should see a return?

I, for one, would like to see reprints of Machamp, Turtwig, and Leafeon from Rising Rivals. They would really change the metagame and steer it away from the EX-driven format.

There wasn't a Machamp printed in RR, unless you mean Machamp GL, which was an utterly forgettable card. I assume you're thinking of it's infinitely more notable cousin, Machamp from Stormfront? Anyway, as for the cards you're referring to, Machamp GL RR or Machamp SF, Turtwig GL RR, and Leafeon RR, only Machamp SF would really be of any use in today's format, and it would likely break the metagame, as nearly every deck relies heavily on Basic attackers or walls, and reintroducing Machamp would just result in less cards being viable, with both Wailord-EX and Aegislash-EX, for example, likely being obsoleted by Machamp. Machamp GL looks impressive, but its damage output is absolutely atrocious, and Brush Off is just too energy-intensive on too weak of a Pokémon for it to be useful. Turtwig GL was decent at the time, but if it were reprinted today as an evolving Basic, it wouldn't see any use without the support cards of the time, such as Shaymin Lv. X PT, Cherrim SF, and Snowpoint Temple LA. I'm really not sure why you thought Leafeon would add anything, as the only competitive niche it has ever filled was the role of healing in the Unlimited Forretress Donk archetype.

To answer your question, as to what reprints would benefit today's meta, I'd like to see Shiftry RR, Infernape Lv. X DP, and Uxie Lv. X LA. Shiftry functions as protection against Catcher, Crushing Hammer, and also can be a bit of an annoyance in regards to Greedy Dice and Professor Birch's Observations. Its attacks are underpowered by today's standards, but could still be somewhat useful. Infernape Lv. X was briefly used competitively with Delcatty PK, but if it were to be reprinted as an EX, it would benefit greatly from cards like Ultra Ball and Battle Compressor, that let you fill your discard pile with Energy as quickly as possible. Uxie Lv. X would be best served to be reprinted as an Evolution or a normal Basic, instead of an UR, to avoid ridiculous prices a la Shaymin-EX. It provides a different style of draw support compared to Shaymin-EX and Octillery, where it sacrifices bulk card gain for reusability and consistent card gain.

There wasn't a Machamp printed in RR, unless you mean Machamp GL, which was an utterly forgettable card. I assume you're thinking of it's infinitely more notable cousin, Machamp from Stormfront? Anyway, as for the cards you're referring to, Machamp GL RR or Machamp SF, Turtwig GL RR, and Leafeon RR, only Machamp SF would really be of any use in today's format, and it would likely break the metagame, as nearly every deck relies heavily on Basic attackers or walls, and reintroducing Machamp would just result in less cards being viable, with both Wailord-EX and Aegislash-EX, for example, likely being obsoleted by Machamp. Machamp GL looks impressive, but its damage output is absolutely atrocious, and Brush Off is just too energy-intensive on too weak of a Pokémon for it to be useful. Turtwig GL was decent at the time, but if it were reprinted today as an evolving Basic, it wouldn't see any use without the support cards of the time, such as Shaymin Lv. X PT, Cherrim SF, and Snowpoint Temple LA. I'm really not sure why you thought Leafeon would add anything, as the only competitive niche it has ever filled was the role of healing in the Unlimited Forretress Donk archetype.

To answer your question, as to what reprints would benefit today's meta, I'd like to see Shiftry RR, Infernape Lv. X DP, and Uxie Lv. X LA. Shiftry functions as protection against Catcher, Crushing Hammer, and also can be a bit of an annoyance in regards to Greedy Dice and Professor Birch's Observations. Its attacks are underpowered by today's standards, but could still be somewhat useful. Infernape Lv. X was briefly used competitively with Delcatty PK, but if it were to be reprinted as an EX, it would benefit greatly from cards like Ultra Ball and Battle Compressor, that let you fill your discard pile with Energy as quickly as possible. Uxie Lv. X would be best served to be reprinted as an Evolution or a normal Basic, instead of an UR, to avoid ridiculous prices a la Shaymin-EX. It provides a different style of draw support compared to Shaymin-EX and Octillery, where it sacrifices bulk card gain for reusability and consistent card gain.


You're probably right that it's Machamp SF, I've probably got my symbols mixed up. As for breaking the game, he definitely needs some toning down (maybe it's only against Mega-EXs, or you have to discard energies off f Machamp or something), but the card as a whole was also pretty good. Turtwig GL RR might not be bad reprinted as a Torterra-EX, in keeping with the fact that it is a Turtwig, and for Leafeon, My brother built a dirty looking deck based around super-charging it among other things(its called Accelreon, and I did post it, if you want to look), and it might see good reprint as a EX as well. (I know that not all of this is technically not a true reprint, but the spirit is what counts, right?)

As for Shiftry RR, DEFINITELY! We actually have that card, and it wud be killer in today's format, especially if the pre-eveolutions were Grass-types. Load it with a Giant Plant Forest, and you're set.
Infernape I can see as a unique EX, and Uxie as well. All good cards that should be reprinted! Any other ideas?
There wasn't a Machamp printed in RR, unless you mean Machamp GL, which was an utterly forgettable card. I assume you're thinking of it's infinitely more notable cousin, Machamp from Stormfront? Anyway, as for the cards you're referring to, Machamp GL RR or Machamp SF, Turtwig GL RR, and Leafeon RR, only Machamp SF would really be of any use in today's format, and it would likely break the metagame, as nearly every deck relies heavily on Basic attackers or walls, and reintroducing Machamp would just result in less cards being viable, with both Wailord-EX and Aegislash-EX, for example, likely being obsoleted by Machamp. Machamp GL looks impressive, but its damage output is absolutely atrocious, and Brush Off is just too energy-intensive on too weak of a Pokémon for it to be useful. Turtwig GL was decent at the time, but if it were reprinted today as an evolving Basic, it wouldn't see any use without the support cards of the time, such as Shaymin Lv. X PT, Cherrim SF, and Snowpoint Temple LA. I'm really not sure why you thought Leafeon would add anything, as the only competitive niche it has ever filled was the role of healing in the Unlimited Forretress Donk archetype.

To answer your question, as to what reprints would benefit today's meta, I'd like to see Shiftry RR, Infernape Lv. X DP, and Uxie Lv. X LA. Shiftry functions as protection against Catcher, Crushing Hammer, and also can be a bit of an annoyance in regards to Greedy Dice and Professor Birch's Observations. Its attacks are underpowered by today's standards, but could still be somewhat useful. Infernape Lv. X was briefly used competitively with Delcatty PK, but if it were to be reprinted as an EX, it would benefit greatly from cards like Ultra Ball and Battle Compressor, that let you fill your discard pile with Energy as quickly as possible. Uxie Lv. X would be best served to be reprinted as an Evolution or a normal Basic, instead of an UR, to avoid ridiculous prices a la Shaymin-EX. It provides a different style of draw support compared to Shaymin-EX and Octillery, where it sacrifices bulk card gain for reusability and consistent card gain.

On a side note, they actually kind of reprinted that Infernape in Cruel Traitors!:p