Research Records?


Ahhhhh of
how do you think it would do. im thinking of starting to make it a staple in my deck. sure running slowking is better but trainer wise how would it hold up after rotation?

i like it personally. its like the old pokedex but a little better.

so what are your thoughts?

EDIT: Please read the Player's Sandbox rules before posting. I added the link. ~EspeonROX.

Research Record from Call of Legends.
I think it's not good enough to take up valuable deck space. If you don't run it already, I recommend Poké Drawer +.
It can be good, because it messes up cards that control your Topdecks, like SableLock. Play that to counter the Chatot G, and you'r good.
^So you're saying...

They disrupting spy
You Research Record
Oh noez their in trouble

The reality:

They disrupting spy
You Research Record
They disrupting spy
POST ROTATION at the moment its a terrible card but after rotation it could work. being able to get rid of worthless draws will work well
i think HGSS on personally. and really how many decks use chatot? not that many. so your scenario could happen but its not likely.
considering the amount of control decks out there, the possibility of it happening is very far the rotation is concerned, POP/P-Play did state "they believe that having 9 sets at the beginning of the season and 13 sets at the end of the season is what they were shooting for, to have a healthy competitive environment" with that said, that would mean they would rotate 4 sets, leaving it to be RR-on
Even though RR-On would get rid of SP's, that still leaves with how the new BW Rules will make decks that work on the 1st or 2nd turn such as Beedrill G and Arceus become a huge threat. If you thought SableDonk was bad you ain't seen nothing yet...
I wonder how much of Research Record are you going to run... because:

If you run only 1 or 2, good luck trying to draw it while your opponent s Sablock deck locks you on the second turn with a Chatot G.

Oh, they are so going to do: disrupting spy, hum, let us put Research Record on the first card, so my lock is going to be messed up.

Also, as T-King guy said, even if you get it, you won t be doing much as they will just restart the disruption.

BTW, what is your deck? Is it really scared of Sablock? I mean, don t put it if you start with Sabeye too, or Smeargle, or worse: Spiritomb.
im trying a HGSS-on jumpluff and i just sat and stared at research records wondering if i should put it in. im not doing any events till after rotation so i have no fear of sablock.

I am sure there are better cards than this. Maybe Communications? But if your deck is extremely consistant and still has some space, just put it. Stop wasting your time on a Reseach Record and do Playtest XD
its actually pretty decent in this format

play research record
bottom deck anything you dont want
play uxie and draw all the good stuff