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Reshi-Boar Post-Flashfire (Reshiram / Emboar / Reshiram EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4-4 Emboar (Inferno Fandango)
    2 Reshiram (Outrage)
    1 Reshiram EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    2-2 Electrode (Magnetic Draw

  • 1 Dowsing Machine
    3 Juniper
    2 Great Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Fiery Torch
    3 Blacksmith
    4 Rare Candy
    2 N
    2 Colress
    2 Shauna
    1 Protection Cube
    1 Superior Energy Retrieval
    2 Float Stone
    1 Virbank City Gym
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser

  • 11 Fire

Okay, so Emboar decks have never been as popular or effective as their Water cousin, Blastoise, but with the recent Charizard worship in Flashfire, Fire type got some key boosts, namely Fiery Torch and Blacksmith. The decks works exactly like you'd expect: the main objective is to get an Emboar on the bench as quickly as possible, then to use Inferno Fandango to power up the main attackers, the two Reshirams, Reshiram EX, and Mewtwo EX. The Electrode is tech-ed in as a poor man's Tropical Beach to aid with consistency, and Dowsing Machine is the Ace Spec of choice to recycle a Blacksmith or N if necessary. The HTL's and the Virbank are standard damage boosters in a deck like this, and the Fiery Torch - Blacksmith combo ensures that the deck doesn't totally collapse if Emboar is taken out, while also giving me some options with how I attach my energies and when I attack. The lone Protection Cube makes Reshiram EX more playable, and the Float Stones are for Emboar to get around his annoyingly large Retreat Cost in the event that my opponent uses Lysandre or Genesect's Red Signal. Mostly, I made this deck just cus I like fire types and I like the straightforward, aggressive strategy this sort of deck champions. Feel free to tear it down in the name of improvement if need be :)
RE: Reshi-Boar Post-Flashfire

Ewww, great ball. No offense, I really just don't like that card. That being said, I'm glad people still wanna play this deck, an you've got a decent build going on here.

-1 Emboar
-1 tepig
-1 reshiram ex
-2 great ball
-1 protection cube
-3 Hypnotoxic laser
-1 Virbank city gym
-2 Shauna
-2 Blacksmith

+2 Charizard EX (150 damage one)
+4 Skyla
+2 N
+1 Juniper
+2 Superior Energy Retrival
+2 Muscle Band
+1 switch

Whenever you're testing it, start with a lot of supporters, and then only take the count down if they're getting really cloggy. Other than that, I just kinda replaced some cards with cards that can work better, and from my experience, you don't want Virbank in stage 2 decks.

A final suggestion that I'll make is to use Delphox instead of Electrode; it gives you a strong back-up attacker, and you get 6 cards.

I hope these help, just ask if you have any questions about any of them
hey thanks for the advice! the great balls are really just substitutes for level balls I've been meaning to buy. the only potential issue i see with delphox is that it is a second stage 2 and decks with 2 stage 2 lines seem to rely heavily on tropical beach, which i don't have and can't get. why shouldn't i use virbank in a stage 2 deck? do you find that muscle band just works better? also, i plan to buy those skyla and N, so those shouldn't be a problem to add. Thanks again!