RE: ReshiBoar vs. MagneBoar (After Next Destinies)
alexmf2 said:
Your not giving valid points, your just saying EelZone is better. Let me name some decks that don't have built in draw power: The Truth (won worlds). Reshiphlosion (won worlds and quite a bit of tournaments). ZPST (won a ton of tournaments). Those are just a few. Heavy Ball gives you the only 2 Pokemon not easily searched out with a single card. These two pokemon are the most important in the entire deck. Saying 'just run thicker lines' would add only that small chance you mentioned of drawing into that card, but with Heavy Ball it is much easier to get them and is even reusable Junk Arm.
... What? Have I really been that out-of-touch with the game?
If you do a Ctrl+F on my last post, nowhere do I say the words, "Eelzone is better." But if my points are invalid, give me reasons why they are invalid. I'm giving you reasons why I believe your opinion is flawed, and you haven't argued half those reasons. Besides, I'm not just saying Eelzone is better. I'm giving reasons why the two decks you list are not good plays. And then I'm saying why Eelzone is a better play. Because that's what this thread is about - these two decks and whether or not they will be good plays next format. No?
Truth is different for one reason: it has Twins. Twins lets you avoid the shuffle draw cards other decks are cursed to rely on. It also has 'Beach, which can be searched through Twins, although it's nowhere close to what Magnezone is, since it's not a Pokémon.
Reshiphlosion has Ninetales. In that deck, Ninetales is practical, since Typhlosion gets energy directly from the discard. No need for Energy Retrieval/Fisherman.
ZPST is no exception to this rule. It often gets dead hands or hands clogged with supporters. That doesn't mean it's not viable. It just means it has a huge deadweight on it.
It's hard to make an argument for Magnezone and Emboar being two two most important cards in the deck. They would serve no purpose in the deck if their basics weren't there. The basics could still be played if Magnezone and Emboar were removed. That's why every deck runs 8+ cards to search their basics, but only 4-5 cards to search the evolutions. Heavy Ball is useless in an opening hand unless you have Rare Candy. Hence, it's very situational. That's why Engineer is also a bad card. It's too situational, even though it's the strongest straight draw supporter in the format. Pokémon Communication is not as situational since it can be used to get any Pokémon in the deck, and it searches Magnezone and Emboar almost as easily as Heavy Ball does.
Furthermore, after the first Magnezone hits the field, there is very little need for Pokémon search cards, since he can just draw a lot of the cards you need for you. You wouldn't ever really need to Junk Arm for Heavy Ball.
Edit- what just happened?...