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ReshiBoar HGSS-BW


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 19
2-1-2 Emboar line (2 ability)
4 Reshiram
2-2 Ninetales CoL
2 Stantler UL
2-0-2 Ampharos prime

3 Prof. Elm training method.
3 Pokemon Collectors
2 Fisherman
2 Iqs

4 Energy Retrieval
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon communication
2 Revives
2 Burnt Tower

14 Fire
2 electric

Strategy: Hopefully start with either a stantler or a collector in hand and put Reshiram, Vulpix, and Tepig as soon as possible and start powering up Reshiram. Ninetales get out asap then Emboar then Ampharos all while attaching energy to Reshiram.
Ampharos: To battle mirror Reshiboar decks with power conductivity [ does 10 damage anytime enemy attaches energy from hand] and to a lesser extent BlastGatr. Also helps give extra damage to higher hp tanks Reshiram cant one hit.
Ninetales: Draw engine coupled with burnt tower and energy retrievers easy to get what is needed.
Emboar: Flame Fandango to power Reshiram quickly
Stantler: Original idea was to run smeargles but with copycat/judge/juniper seemed to risky
Revive: to pull back Reshirams that koed.

Any feedback would be helpful setup seems a bit slow sometimes but generally its okay. Wanted to see what you all thought to make it better before I bought the rest of the cards I needed.

Edited new deck list.
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

Since you run four energy retrieval I don't see a need in two fisherman and flower shop lady. I say take those out for a second tower and a fourth reshiram to help with consistency
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

Sleeping Snorlax said:
Since you run four energy retrieval I don't see a need in two fisherman and flower shop lady. I say take those out for a second tower and a fourth reshiram to help with consistency

they're nice in case he's up against a trainer lock deck. if that happened, he'd have no way of recycling energies other than a coin flip which would not be very fun. so I'd keep the two fisherman but get rid of the flowershop lady. either a 4th reshiram or a 2nd tower would work great. I'd personally go with a 4th reshiram but find something else to get rid of for a 2nd tower...I'd do that by getting rid of the two DCE and put in a 2nd tower and a 2nd PONT. DCE doesn't really help reshiram a whole lot after the add ability of emboar.

-1 flowershop lady
-2 DCE
+1 tower
+1 reshiram
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

Also ive been having a lot of trouble in the mirror what are your guys' opinions in adding in a 2-0-2 ampharos prime line and 2 rare candies as a tech against other boar variants. I was thinking as a new deck list.
4 Reshiram
2-2-2 Emboar ability
2-2 Ninetales CoL
2-0-2 Apmpharos prime
2 Stantler UL

4 Rare Candy
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Prof Elm training method
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Fisherman
2 Interviewer Questions
2 Revive
1 Burnt Tower( could be 2 if i removed a pignite from emboar line)

14 Fire
2 Electric (to power up an ampharos worst case scenario against a tough water or in a severe bind.)
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

dude I threw in 2 zekrom in my deck to counter water. that way there's 2 more slots free for more t/s/s and you don't have to worry about trying to rare candy up to ampharos. I never feel comfortable with running a stage 2 with absolutely 0 stage 1's to link it to the basic in the deck. I usually get in big trouble when I try to do that too. finding a pokemon is usually easier than finding a trainer.

I'd take out 1 pignite to go up to 2 burnt tower. and with the extra two slots from going with 2 zekrom, I'd add another electric energy and another IQ for getting energies

-2-0-2 ampharos prime
-1 pignite
+1 tower
+2 zekrom
+1 electric energy
+1 IQ
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

Ghost Bear said:
dude I threw in 2 zekrom in my deck to counter water. that way there's 2 more slots free for more t/s/s and you don't have to worry about trying to rare candy up to ampharos. I never feel comfortable with running a stage 2 with absolutely 0 stage 1's to link it to the basic in the deck. I usually get in big trouble when I try to do that too. finding a pokemon is usually easier than finding a trainer.

I'd take out 1 pignite to go up to 2 burnt tower. and with the extra two slots from going with 2 zekrom, I'd add another electric energy and another IQ for getting energies

-2-0-2 ampharos prime
-1 pignite
+1 tower
+2 zekrom
+1 electric energy
+1 IQ
Ampharos isnt used for attacking unless a worst case scenario happens. Itd be used for Conductivity its power to place damage when energy is attached from hands shutting down other reshiboars and to an extent BlastGatr. Also can help get one shot with reshiram on higher hp pokemon. But did remove the pignite for a tower.

Edited first page to reflect changes so far.
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

You might as well use 4 pluspower in that case; add the extra damage without having to set up another stage 2. I also think rescue energy is necessary in this deck. Against trainer lock, you have no way of getting reshiram back. So maybe

-2-0-2 ampharos
+ 4 PlusPower

- 2 revive
-2 stantler (starters like stantler are pointless unless you run four as they are completely dead mid to late game)

+4 rescue energy.
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

festizzio said:
You might as well use 4 pluspower in that case; add the extra damage without having to set up another stage 2. I also think rescue energy is necessary in this deck. Against trainer lock, you have no way of getting reshiram back. So maybe

-2-0-2 ampharos
+ 4 PlusPower

- 2 revive
-2 stantler (starters like stantler are pointless unless you run four as they are completely dead mid to late game)

+4 rescue energy.

I have rescue energies in my deck and it does help significantly for reshiram so I'd suggest that to. I agree about stantler, only having two is not very likely you'll start with it, so you'd have to burn a turn getting it out when you could be using that time getting another pokemon out, and after that, it's just dead weight in your deck.

I forgot about ampharos prime. conductivity would definitely be good agaisnt zekrom and reshiram. if you can set it up fast enough then it would definitely be better than zekrom as just a tech/counter to water. it's ultimately your choice of the risk/reward. risk being setup time (needing 3 cards, mareep, ampharos and rare candy, and two turns for setup, apposed to the 1 card needed of just zekrom and one turn for setup) and reward is it being better than zekrom after setup for the purpose of having an electric pokemon in this deck.
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

Ghost Bear said:
festizzio said:
You might as well use 4 pluspower in that case; add the extra damage without having to set up another stage 2. I also think rescue energy is necessary in this deck. Against trainer lock, you have no way of getting reshiram back. So maybe

-2-0-2 ampharos
+ 4 PlusPower

- 2 revive
-2 stantler (starters like stantler are pointless unless you run four as they are completely dead mid to late game)

+4 rescue energy.

I have rescue energies in my deck and it does help significantly for reshiram so I'd suggest that to. I agree about stantler, only having two is not very likely you'll start with it, so you'd have to burn a turn getting it out when you could be using that time getting another pokemon out, and after that, it's just dead weight in your deck.

I forgot about ampharos prime. conductivity would definitely be good agaisnt zekrom and reshiram. if you can set it up fast enough then it would definitely be better than zekrom as just a tech/counter to water. it's ultimately your choice of the risk/reward. risk being setup time (needing 3 cards, mareep, ampharos and rare candy, and two turns for setup, apposed to the 1 card needed of just zekrom and one turn for setup) and reward is it being better than zekrom after setup for the purpose of having an electric pokemon in this deck.

I'm running Samurott as a mirror counter in my Reshiram deck. It works great due to it's ability to run on all colorless.
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

yeah but samurott would have the same difficulty getting set up as ampharos, and ampharos can work as a tech on the bench. samurott is only good as active, so if you run up against an electric deck or a deck you don't need samurott for, then samurott would just be dead weight in your deck because then you'd just use reshiram as your active. at least ampharos could pop onto the bench and help deal damage regardless of the opponent's deck.

IMO, this deck would have a bigger problem against water decks like blastigatr, than with another reshiboar deck because of the weakness. because of that, it would be smarter to stick with ampharos than to switch to samurott.
RE: Masters ReshiBoar HGSS-BW

Proxied some rescue energies in place of stantler and revive and I do like it much better just have to find a place to buy some now. And on the pluspower idea I thought about it but 4 pluspower with all the high hp pokemon around would not be enough. I have been playtesting and can usually get at least one ampharous out by turn 4-5 while already having ninetales,reshiram, and emboar out. Admittedly a bit slow but not too horrid. I find myself halfway through drawing into a lot of dead cards though [i.e collectors middle game,communication to an extent] and i was thinking of adding a PONT or two to shuffle them back to keep hand size down and if the game drags on and my deck is running low. Any ideas what to take out?