Pokemon: 19
2-1-2 Emboar line (2 ability)
4 Reshiram
2-2 Ninetales CoL
2 Stantler UL
2-0-2 Ampharos prime
3 Prof. Elm training method.
3 Pokemon Collectors
2 Fisherman
2 Iqs
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon communication
2 Revives
2 Burnt Tower
14 Fire
2 electric
Strategy: Hopefully start with either a stantler or a collector in hand and put Reshiram, Vulpix, and Tepig as soon as possible and start powering up Reshiram. Ninetales get out asap then Emboar then Ampharos all while attaching energy to Reshiram.
Ampharos: To battle mirror Reshiboar decks with power conductivity [ does 10 damage anytime enemy attaches energy from hand] and to a lesser extent BlastGatr. Also helps give extra damage to higher hp tanks Reshiram cant one hit.
Ninetales: Draw engine coupled with burnt tower and energy retrievers easy to get what is needed.
Emboar: Flame Fandango to power Reshiram quickly
Stantler: Original idea was to run smeargles but with copycat/judge/juniper seemed to risky
Revive: to pull back Reshirams that koed.
Any feedback would be helpful setup seems a bit slow sometimes but generally its okay. Wanted to see what you all thought to make it better before I bought the rest of the cards I needed.
Edited new deck list.
2-1-2 Emboar line (2 ability)
4 Reshiram
2-2 Ninetales CoL
2 Stantler UL
2-0-2 Ampharos prime
3 Prof. Elm training method.
3 Pokemon Collectors
2 Fisherman
2 Iqs
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon communication
2 Revives
2 Burnt Tower
14 Fire
2 electric
Strategy: Hopefully start with either a stantler or a collector in hand and put Reshiram, Vulpix, and Tepig as soon as possible and start powering up Reshiram. Ninetales get out asap then Emboar then Ampharos all while attaching energy to Reshiram.
Ampharos: To battle mirror Reshiboar decks with power conductivity [ does 10 damage anytime enemy attaches energy from hand] and to a lesser extent BlastGatr. Also helps give extra damage to higher hp tanks Reshiram cant one hit.
Ninetales: Draw engine coupled with burnt tower and energy retrievers easy to get what is needed.
Emboar: Flame Fandango to power Reshiram quickly
Stantler: Original idea was to run smeargles but with copycat/judge/juniper seemed to risky
Revive: to pull back Reshirams that koed.
Any feedback would be helpful setup seems a bit slow sometimes but generally its okay. Wanted to see what you all thought to make it better before I bought the rest of the cards I needed.
Edited new deck list.