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Reshiphlosion deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone -- I've never posted a deck on here before, but I thought I'd put this up just to see what people have to say. :3 Critique and comment welcome!


3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetales
4 Reshiram


3 Rocky Helmet
3 Pluspower
3 Rare Candy
2 Super Rod
4 Pokemon Communication

1 Professor Juniper
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Cilan
2 N


14 {R}
3 Rescue

Hi, welcome to Deck Garare then :B

What would I change:
-1-1 Ninetales (line with 1-1 should be fine)
-3 Rocky Helmet (don't see any use in this deck specifically)
-1 Reshiram (to make room for a Reshiram EX or Mewtwo EX)
-1 Communication (3 is enough)
-2 PETM (trust me, you'll not need them)
-4 or 5 {R} (to make room
-3 Rescue

16 or 17 free spaces:

+1-0-1 Typhlosion (to consistence)
+1 Reshiram EX or Mewtwo EX (or both :B)
+2 Eviolite (to protect your Reshiram from mirror matches and also Zekeels)
+2 Junk Arm (perfect to reuse items and also discard)
+3 Pokemon Catcher (to get easy prizes and also dismantle opponent's strategy)
+1 or 2 Juniper (good refresher and discarter)
+3 DCE (fast for Reshirams Outrage attack and also for Reshiram EX)
+2 Switch (needless to say :) )

What you think?
Hmmmmm, I like the Eviolite idea. But Rescue Energies and Rocky Helmets is allow another Reshiram to come up and oneshot things next turn if the one with the Rocky Helmet attached is KO'ed.

I like the idea of the Reshiram EX -- I happen to have a full art ReshiEX, but no Mewtwo EX. XD I'll try that out if I get the chance.

I'm not sure if DCEs are such a good idea -- I don't like having so many Fire Energy, but isn't Reshiphlosion just about recycling energy in the first place? XD Anyway, I'll try them, just to see how it works.

Everything else sounds good except for 1-1 Ninetales. What would I do if the Vulpix/Ninetales happen to be prized? I really need it for streamlining, and I don't think I'll get it if I have only one line.

But thanks for your input! I really appreciate it! :D
^ That looks good (beat me to the punch :p), but perhaps with some Sage's to get energy in the discard off the bat, and maybe Fliptini. Maybe, not sure if it's worth it with just one Reshiram EX. I have a very wierd build that doesn't even use Reshiram EX, so I wouldn't know exactly, but I do know Fliptini is an option to consider.
I don't like Mewtwo EX too, but believe me, Reshiram EX is a bomb! In Troll & Toad is only for $2,99, you can buy 2 for testing, but in my deck only on is going well.
nexustehulf0o said:
I'll definitely try the ReshiEX and Fliptini duo. :3 That sounds like a great idea.

But I should say, Fliptini is an easy prize. Btw, worth the test
DCE might be a good idea too. Try
-1 reshiram (3 is enough)
-1 super rod (1 is enough)
-2 PETM (takes up the supporter for the turn. Rather have communication)
-2 cilan (getting energies out won't be a problem)
-4 fire energy (really too many)
-3 rescue? (I'd rather have DCE but this is optional and my preference)
-1 plus power (2 may be enough)
-1 rocky helmet? (2 maybe enough)
+1-0-1 typhlosion (consistency)
+2 juniper (good discarding)
+4 junk arm (good discarding and for trainer reusage)
+3 catcher (needed)
+2 DCE
+1 reshiram EX (good attacker) or mewtwo EX (good counter) or a switch