Guiding Questions:
1. How does this card stand on its own (analyze the HP, attacks, Abilities, etc. of the card)?
Like the original Reshiram, I expect Reshiram EX to be a definitive player in shaping the meta upon its release. Reshiram sports an amazing 180 HP, on the higher side of the EX pokemon. It's two attacks are fairly energy heavy, 50 for 3 and flip for a potential 30 more, and 150 for 4 and flip for recoil. The attacks are slightly better than Reshiram, or worse in the case of Outrage for some decks. 150 for 4 is considered really energy heavy, but since we have pokemon like Typhlosion and Emboar, the energy cost is not nearly as problematic as it would have been last format. Water weakness isn't a huge problem right now, but Kyurem EX could OHKO it, and the water weakness could be disastrous when Empoleon hits the field.
2. What role does/could this card have in the metagame?
This card could be used as a heavy hitting version of Reshiram, able to OHKO stage 2s at will with only moderate drawback. The biggest problem with the recoil is the fact that getting Reshiram in KO range means that you're giving up two prizes. Kind of concerning, but there are ways around the recoil to make it less of a problem. The card however, should not be played too liberally, as getting two of them KO'ed pretty much ends the game. Because of recoil, that is a bit more likely and potentially makes this particular EX a little less abusable than Zekrom.
3. What cards, if any, does this card combo with?
This card has potential combinations both for energy acceleration and to reduce the chances of recoil. The first two logical combinations are Emboar and Typhlosion. Emobar allows repeated fire energy attachment, allowing Reshiram EX to swing right away. Typhlosion helps accelerate as well, and is not as soft to catcher. However, I think Emboar is better as you really don't want to hurt any pokemon giving up two prizes if you can help it, and the fact that Reshiram EX does not discard energy makes Typhlosion a little less necessary to run. Fliptini is another combination, as it reduces the chance of recoil to a meager 25%. Eviolite is another option, reducing the recoil to a manageable 30.
4. Give it a rating (out of 10), and explain why you have given it that rating.
I'll give Reshiram EX an 8.5 out of 10. Recoil is very annoying, and the energy costs make acceleration a necessity, moreso than even its predecessor. It is a powerful attacker, but without Fliptini and Eviolite, Reshiram EX sets itself up for the revenge KO. Players that use this pokemon will have to keep that in mind.
Worth Two Prizes? YES